Friday, March 28, 2025

Poppies Are Here!

 Poppies Soon the hills will be alive with
the orange  that is California poppies!
* * *
—Poetry and Photos by Taylor Graham,
Placerville, CA
—And then scroll down for
Form Fiddlers’ Friday, with poetry by
Joe Nolan, Nolcha Fox, Stephen Kingsnorth,
Melissa Lemay, and Caschwa

Close my eyes, let my hand waver, hover
over the map. My finger is a hawk
diving into green labyrinths of ridge
and canyon; red lines fine as spider’s web.
Over this great expanse of wild earth, where
does my finger land? in Leek Springs Valley.
I know that place. Cosumnes headwater,
meadow dropping into pine-fir forest.
A pond for our dogs to swim & fetch sticks.
I still visit since the Caldor Fire, Otis
finds patches of snow to dance on.
In the meadow, a grave marked with rock
& dog toys—a dog lover’s loss and solace.
And in the burn scar, under black trees
standing dead, more green conifer saplings
than I could count.


    “The Weirdest Items Found by the TSA”
            – Daily Passport

I avoid flying commercial, and I never flew
out of Juneau—unlike the airline passenger who
collected moose droppings “to give to politicians
whose policies he disagreed with.” I admired
the ungulates’ offerings. In fact, I couldn’t resist
those big bold beautiful shiny black pellets
for moss-and-lichen arrangements on driftwood,
salvaged from spruce woods behind our house.
My arrangements were works of art. Visitors
commented on them, never mentioning the odor
of moose droppings. 


Ceanothus in white bloom—
Gray & aqua daypack—
Dark pink flower on tall stem—
Journal splayed open
Its title: Happiness Day By Day—
Page torn from journal—
Page on page ripped loose
Left like a trail of footprints
Like blips of heartbeats down the trail—
Woodfern among cutbank rocks—
One dead gray squirrel—
Honeysuckle holding the slope together.


My rescue-dog friend kept guilting me
for all my years with dogs purebred—
that breed of canine is sure not free!

At last I saw her point. It had to be
some homeless mutt I’d save instead
of my rescue friend still guilting me.

I chose his eyes on internet—a plea
I had to answer (with hope & dread).
That kind of canine is sure not free

of problems I could not foresee.
I brought him home. It must be said,
my rescue friend stopped guilting me.

Otis is tall & strong, with wild esprit.
On trails I wear hardhat for my head—
that kind of canine is sure not free

of mishap—& work-pad for each knee.
His tail a plume, his prance wing-spread.
My rescue friend’s not guilting him or me.
My kind of canine: smart, & wild & free.


We looked like a couple of bag ladies, pushcart
crammed with well-worn zipper jackets, satchels
of white & carbon paper, water bottles, and two
antiquated manual portable typewriters,
as we trudged to a folding table & chairs on Main
Street. I guess we were listed on a data-base
for the festival, but we had something to set us
apart: typewriters and poetry.
I envisioned someone asking for a nature poem.
And, it being mid-March, on the spot I’d write
about wild mustard flowering, and a Wood Duck
drake taking flight across a pond, and his mate
brooding her eggs in a nest box high in a willow
at water’s edge.
Someone would walk away proudly bearing
a poem composed on request, typos X’d out to
prove its real-time spontaneity, its authenticity.
A poem gift. No money in a bag. Our poems
free as the air we breathe.


Is it a new neighbor, or just the old familiars—
2 wild turkey hens, one brown, one gray—
who left a poop, black with white accents,
on our back deck, where songbirds cluster,
bluster, nudge the crowd asunder at the feeders?
It’s a big-bird poop. Is the new neighbor
turkey or goose or someone rarer?
We welcome all races and trust
they’ll get along together so everyone’s fed.

Today’s LittleNip:

—Taylor Graham

A giant’s doily   
laid on greening forest floor—
old lace and leaf buds


Tales of emerging spring (and poop!) today from Taylor Graham, and our thanks to her for fine poetry and pix! Forms she has used include some Blank Verse (“Marking the Spot”); a List Poem (“Still Life on the Trail”); a Villanelle (“Adopting the Homeless”); a Word-Can Poem (“Not a Penny”); and a Haiku (“Nature Old & New”). Her “Back Deck Neighborhood is a response to our recent Tuesday Seed of the Week, “New Neighborhood”. “Marking the Spot” came from an Internet prompt to close your eyes, put your finger down on a map, and write about that place. “Home Decor” is from an Internet prompt to write about a weird or funny.

This coming Tuesday (April 1! Wow!), Cameron Park Library Writers Workshop’s Spring Reading and Open Mic presents Susie Kaufman and Joe Walsh at the CP Library, 5:30pm. And El Dorado County’s regular workshops are listed on Medusa’s calendar (if you scroll down on For more news about such events and about EDC poetry—past (photos!) and future—see Taylor Graham’s Western Slope El Dorado Poetry on Facebook at Or see Lara Gularte’s Facebook page at And you can always click on Medusa's UPCOMING NORCAL EVENTS ( Poetry is Gold in El Dorado County!  
And now it’s time for…  

It’s time for more contributions from Form Fiddlers, in addition to those sent to us by Taylor Graham! Each Friday, there will be poems posted here from our readers using forms—either ones which were sent to Medusa during the previous week, or whatever else floats through the Kitchen and the perpetually stoned mind of Medusa. If these instructions are vague, it's because they're meant to be. Just fiddle around with some challenges—  Whaddaya got to lose… ? If you send ‘em, I’ll post ‘em! (See Medusa’s Form Finder at the end of this post for resources and for links to poetry terms used in today’s post.)

Check out our recently-refurbed page at the top of Medusa’s Kitchen called, “FORMS! OMG!!!” which expresses some of my (take ‘em or leave 'em) opinions about the use of forms in poetry writing, as well as listing some more resources to help you navigate through Form Quicksand and other ways of poetry. Got any more resources to add to our list? Send them to for the benefit of all man/woman/poetkind!

* * *
 Last Week’s Ekphrastic Photo

Poets who sent responses to last week’s Ekphrastic photo included Joe Nolan, Nolcha Fox, Stephen Kingsnorth, Melissa Lemay, and Caschwa:

—Joe Nolan, Stockton, CA

An extra cup of coffee or tea?

Who’s it for?

Surely not the kitty.

A picture of contentment
With chocolates strewn about.

But that second cup of coffee
Is a mystery.

Was it a departure
Or arrival, yet to come?

Someone there,
Portends a new adventure?

Or time to relax,
Now that he’s gone?

* * *

—Nolcha Fox, Buffalo, WY

Our princess dogs own everything.
Especially if it’s warm.
The dogs are blobs on sunlit deck,
and let us share the comfy chairs
in front of the TV.
They’re first on top of our queen bed.
When we want our nightly zzzzs,
the dogs are stretched to fill the space.
We only get a corner.

* * *

—Stephen Kingsnorth, Coedpoeth, Wrexham, Wales

This busy more-than living room
must grapple with time management,
for volumes spoken by caffeine,
capacity to reckon with.
She nurses one cupped in the hands,
but what for coffee table stance—
a second for the later clock
or last one, cold and counted out?

With calorific chocolate chunks,
devices spread for tablecloth,
as pads for writing, typing, queue,
rest pillowed, half a dozen times.
At least no dog to lead away,
but fluffy rug, tailed toy, the cat,
adrenalin not fight but flight
away from work to rest awhile.

A doze spill-wastes another drink—
I’m tempted, say, another mug;
is work-life balance underway,
or this more psychiatric couch?
Does writing block show work complete,
or empty page as muse deserts?
Pink flowers cower, off site plant,
a hidden corner, blooms, despite,

That ruffled cloth I like the best,
holding folds of writhing snake,
its hue the same, settee, surrounds,
the seams defined, that rumpled too.
Had this seen crime, forensic clues
would be abundant in its weave,
much material evidence,
as fabric condition, tales revealed.

Cloth textures, shapes and shades refined—
this artist handles brushwork well,
sees folds, bold stripes clearly designed,
that comfort cushion, belly hugged.
Confronted, schism, split screen splayed—
to fore laid toil, while laze behind—
but two thirds latter stratified
which seems proportionate in view.

* * *

it’s a cat! it’s a plane!
—Melissa Lemay, Lancaster, PA

a cozy scene,
a smiling woman
surrounded by pillows,
she holds a cup of coffee

she has tablets
and pens and chocolate bars
and another cup of coffee
just in case

there is a vase of flowers
on the coffee table

but the thing
i can’t stop looking at
is the melted lump of cat
in front of her
at the edge of the sofa

does she know it’s there?
is it a cat? pillow? stuffed animal?

* * *

—Melissa Lemay

Every day I hear my neighbor upstairs yelling,
cursing at their three-year-old son,
with words that hurt my ears.
I wish these walls weren’t paper thin.
I know the downstairs neighbors
share my sentiments.

Apartment living, not for the faint of heart, a very true
I hear banging and stomping from upstairs, and yelling.
The people who live below, those neighbors
are horribly mean, at least to my family. My son
does his best to stay away. He can be thin-
skinned; sometimes worries over things he hears.

Every other week they are breaking up downstairs, I
them enforce their sentiments
on each other, cutting the other one off, no thinness
in their anger, their hatred for each other, yelling.
I wonder how anyone lives like that. She never sees
her son,
and I bet he doesn’t like her either. She is only a

I can’t imagine having her as a mother. A neighbor
next door, who owns her home, I hear
her son who is only a year older than my son,
screaming at his mother. Though I think it harsh, I
empathize with his sentiments.
He is a boy, his parents are divorced, they were
always yelling;
and his mother is an alcoholic. At least they don’t
live in our building, where the walls are paper thin.

The windows rattle, and a draft comes in through thin
openings where the windows don’t quite align. One
of our neighbors
(in this building) has newer windows. For the yelling,
we could all use some sound-proofing. Less to hear.
At times I am embarrassed by the sentiments
I share in anger at my daughter or my sons.

I have one daughter and two sons.
I hope for them that they make good choices that put
them on the path (it’s narrow)
to success. Their father shares my sentiments.
It would be nice if God gifted us some new neighbors.
I make the best of it while we’re here. I hear
the grass isn’t greener on another side where there’s
no telling.

My daughter shares my sentiments, and so do my
though they mostly ignore the yelling through the
walls (it doesn’t bother them). It would be wonderful
to have different neighbors; there’s no telling what we
might hear.

* * *

—Caschwa, Sacramento, CA

Two beverages
fresh and ready
enough chocolate
to make one heady

pillows, cushions
pens and paper
smart phone handy
if brain becomes vapor

a cozy kitten named
Vernal Equinox
I just call her Verna
tho she never talks

a dog doll, one of
my favorite gifts
whenever I need it
my spirit it lifts

* * *

A List Poem from Carl:


Some things I can do
especially well
and yet there are others
that never quite jell

Dancing, Conducting
Sight reading, Dictation
Oral presentations
and orientation

Long, long lists of
Dead Latin terms
Describing the garden’s
various worms

The millions of names
for all kinds of trees,
Animals, birds
Flowers, and bees

Geographic references
and odd foreign towns,
the many kinds of leaves
and uniquely shaped crowns

Sports trivia galore,
the newest postage rates
Any biblical references
Beyond those pearly gates

House roofs, my cousins,
Colors and mammals
One hump or two humps
on different camels

Inductive and deductive
Logical reasoning
How much is too much
of this or that seasoning

* * *

And an Ars Poetica from Stephen Kingsnorth:

—Stephen Kingsnorth

My mnemonics, acronyms, without the need for
waking note,
give peace and calm throughout the night, though
come dawn, what the meaning of what hangs from
deciphering the code that made sense last night,
or even bringing to mind there is a line to be
reeled in,
is mused mother, Greek goddess Mnemosyne.

Clef notes on spaces, lines or planet order, Henry's
periodic table, rainbow hues, taxa order, Mohs
wrist bones, cranial nerves, ukelele tuning strings;
polymath addict, if I have mnemonic, recall all,
whilst quangos, derogatory defined, as
agencies are under the collective noun.


Many thanks to today’s writers for their lively contributions! Wouldn’t you like to join them? All you have to do is send poetry—forms or not—and/or photos and artwork to We post work from all over the world, including that which was previously-published. Just remember: the snakes of Medusa are always hungry!



See what you can make of these challenges, and send your results to (No deadline.) Why don’t you follow Melissa Lemay’s lead and try your hand at a Sestina? Warning—they can be addictive!

•••Sestina: AND/OR

•••AND/OR Taylor Graham is always writing Word-Can Poems; let’s try one using five words that I’ll “draw” for you: turkey, ceanothus, barbecue, corpuscular, and cheesecake. Hint: sometimes an alternative meaning of a word can make it work better for you.

•••Word-Can Poem: putting random words on slips of paper into a can, then drawing out a few and making a poem out of them

•••See also the bottom of this post for another challenge, this one an Ekphrastic one.

•••And don’t forget each Tuesday’s Seed of the Week! This week it’s “Empty”.


MEDUSA’S FORM FINDER: Links to poetry terms mentioned today:

•••Ars Poetica:
•••Blank Verse: AND/OR
•••Ekphrastic Poem:
•••Haiku: AND/OR
•••Sestina: AND/OR
•••Villanelle (rhymed or unrhymed):
•••Word-Can Poem: putting random words on slips of paper into a can, then drawing out a few and making a poem out of them


 Today's Ekphrastic Challenge!
 Make what you can of today's
picture, and send your poetic results to (No deadline.)

* * *

—Photo Courtesy of Public Domain


For info about
future poetry happenings in
Northern California and otherwheres,
click on
in the links at the top of this page—
and keep an eye on this link and on
the daily Kitchen for happenings
that might pop up
—or get changed!—
 during the week.

Photos in this column can be enlarged by
clicking on them once, then clicking on the x
in the top right corner to come back to Medusa.

Poets’ bios appear on their first MK visit.
To find previous posts, type the name
of the poet (or poem) into the little
beige box at the top left-hand side
of this column. See also
Medusa’s Rapsheet at the bottom
of the blue column on the right
side of this column to find
any date you want.

Miss a post?
You can find our most recent ones by
scrolling down under this daily one.
Or there's an "Older Posts" button
at the bottom of this column.
(Please excuse typos in older posts!
Blogspot has been through a lot of
incarnations in 20 years!)

Would you like to be a SnakePal?
Guidelines are at the top of this page
at the Placating the Gorgon link;
send poetry and/or photos and artwork
to We post
work from all over the world—including
that which was previously published—
and collaborations are welcome.
Just remember:
the snakes of Medusa are always hungry—
for poetry, of course!