Blaenau Ffestiniog, North Wales
—Public Domain Photos Courtesy
of Joe Nolan, Stockton, CA
—Public Domain Photos Courtesy
of Joe Nolan, Stockton, CA
Willow don’t weep for me.
Back in the summer
I hid in the shadows
of your leafy canopy.
Now you have left me exposed
for the winter of my content
which falls every year
as the lost leaves
turn golden
then brown
with decay
then white
with the silence
of the first snowfall.
I’m waiting for it
to blanket me with light
and make me smile.
Willow don’t weep for me.
(First published in Sylvia, December 2020)
Snowflakes lit by sunbeams
blowing gently,
fragile as shadows
making rainbows in the sun.
Smiling in the soft light.
So soft.
So soft.
Catch them quickly in your hair
to melt them
while the sun
is still shining and smiling.
For only as long as it falls,
can the snow renew them
when they melt away.
Snowflakes lit by sunbeams
blowing gently,
fragile as shadows
making rainbows in the sun.
Smiling in the soft light.
So soft.
So soft.
Catch them quickly in your hair
to melt them
while the sun
is still shining and smiling.
For only as long as it falls,
can the snow renew them
when they melt away.
(First published in Midnight Circus, Winter Issue, 2016)
The winter chill
froze the words
into remnants.
Tattered pages,
empty envelopes
and empty words
worn and shrivelled
ghosts of our love
that I try to forget
and try not to forget.
(First published in Fresh Words, March 2023)
The winter chill
froze the words
into remnants.
Tattered pages,
empty envelopes
and empty words
worn and shrivelled
ghosts of our love
that I try to forget
and try not to forget.
(First published in Fresh Words, March 2023)
We rolled the snow to make a jolly body
to the soundtrack of your cascade of laughter.
And as we did, a couple walked by,
she said “hello,” like her joy was blowing
She gave us a pipe to put in his mouth,
but he could blow no bubbles from it,
which was a shame.
But with his jaunty hat
and bright scarf
he mirrored her joy and your laughter
as he stood on his icy dais,
before both of you
melted away.
We rolled the snow to make a jolly body
to the soundtrack of your cascade of laughter.
And as we did, a couple walked by,
she said “hello,” like her joy was blowing
She gave us a pipe to put in his mouth,
but he could blow no bubbles from it,
which was a shame.
But with his jaunty hat
and bright scarf
he mirrored her joy and your laughter
as he stood on his icy dais,
before both of you
melted away.
(First published in Breadcrumbs Magazine, 2018)
Today’s LittleNip:
—Lynn White
Slowly at first
almost imperceptibly
the days become shorter
minute by minute
as winter whispers
her arrival once again.
Listen carefully
but take care.
Soon you will cover your ears
as she learns to shout.
(First published in Brave and Reckless, 12/14/21)
—Medusa, with thanks to Lynn White for her fine poetry in celebration of winter, and to Joe Nolan for finding us lovely winter pix to go with it!
A reminder that
Mary Mackey will be reading
at CSUS in Sacramento today, 2pm.
For info about this and other
future poetry happenings in
Northern California and otherwheres,
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in the links at the top of this page—
and keep an eye on this link and on
the daily Kitchen for happenings
that might pop up
—or get changed!—
during the week.
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work from all over the world—including
that which was previously published—
and collaborations are welcome.
Just remember:
the snakes of Medusa are always hungry—
for poetry, of course!
Mary Mackey will be reading
at CSUS in Sacramento today, 2pm.
For info about this and other
future poetry happenings in
Northern California and otherwheres,
click on
in the links at the top of this page—
and keep an eye on this link and on
the daily Kitchen for happenings
that might pop up
—or get changed!—
during the week.
Photos in this column can be enlarged by
clicking on them once, then clicking on the x
in the top right corner to come back to Medusa.
Poets’ bios appear on their first MK visit.
To find previous posts, type the name
of the poet (or poem) into the little
beige box at the top left-hand side
of this column. See also
Medusa’s Rapsheet at the bottom
of the blue column on the right
side of this column to find
any date you want.
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(Please excuse typos in older posts!
Blogspot has been through a lot of
incarnations in 20 years!)
Would you like to be a SnakePal?
Guidelines are at the top of this page
at the Placating the Gorgon link;
send poetry and/or photos and artwork
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work from all over the world—including
that which was previously published—
and collaborations are welcome.
Just remember:
the snakes of Medusa are always hungry—
for poetry, of course!