—Poetry by Taylor Dibbert,
Washington, D.C.
—Illustrations Courtesy of Public Domain
Washington, D.C.
—Illustrations Courtesy of Public Domain
He and London are
In the yard
On the side of
The main house
London has always
Been quite interested
In this area,
He thinks
That’s because
There are cats
That spend
A lot of time
Over here
And so there are
Tons of smells
And interesting things
And then one
Of his landlords
Comes outside
She’s on her way out
To run an errand
And she says that
She has noticed
Him carrying London
Quite a bit
And so she asks
If London is okay
And he tells her
That he isn’t sure
And he tells her
That he’s having trouble
Managing London’s pain
And then she says
That she’s sorry
To hear that
And then a dog walks by
And London is barking
And growling so much
And then another dog walks by
And London is barking
And growling so much
She can’t ever leave it
His London
And then the woman
Says that London
Seems okay
That she still has
That fighting spirit,
Which is
Totally true
A little champion
His London is.
They had an
Ernest Hemingway
Old Man and the Sea
Kind of marriage,
A big catch
And a lot
To be
Excited about
But then they
Went through
A bunch
And once they
Returned home
Everything was gone.
(prev. pub. in Synchronized Chaos Magazine,
May 2024)
Small dogs
With big personalities,
Guaranteed to bring
A smile
To his face.
Small dogs
With big personalities,
Guaranteed to bring
A smile
To his face.
(prev. pub. in Spillwords Press, October 2024)
London has
Been gone
For almost
Eighteen months
And sometimes
He still
Bursts into tears
When he thinks
About her.
(prev. pub. in Synchronized Chaos Magazine,
November 2024)
Today’s LittleNip:
—Taylor Dibbert
Get busy building art
Because art doesn’t build itself.
(prev. pub. in Medusa’s Kitchen, April 2023)
Taylor Dibbert says he is “a writer of things”. Takoma, his sixth book, is due out in late January from Alien Buddha Press. Welcome back, Taylor, and congratulations on your new book!
—Medusa, wishing our Chinese friends Gung Hay Fat Choy for this Year of the Snake!
—Medusa, wishing our Chinese friends Gung Hay Fat Choy for this Year of the Snake!
Taylor Dibbert's new book;
click once to enlarge.
A reminder that
Mahogany Urban Poetry features
Shewrights & Marques Littles
tonight in Sacramento, 7pm; and
El Dorado County Poet Laureate
Stephen Meadows reads tonight in
El Dorado Hills, 5:30pm.
For info about these and other
future poetry happenings in
Northern California and otherwheres,
click on
in the links at the top of this page—
and keep an eye on this link and on
the daily Kitchen for happenings
that might pop up
—or get changed!—
during the week.
Photos in this column can be enlarged by
clicking on them once, then clicking on the x
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Poets’ bios appear on their first MK visit.
To find previous posts, type the name
of the poet (or poem) into the little
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any date you want.
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(Please excuse typos in older posts!
Blogspot has been through a lot of
incarnations in 20 years!)
Would you like to be a SnakePal?
Guidelines are at the top of this page
at the Placating the Gorgon link;
send poetry and/or photos and artwork
to kathykieth@hotmail.com. We post
work from all over the world—including
that which was previously published—
and collaborations are welcome.
Just remember:
the snakes of Medusa are always hungry—
for poetry, of course!
Mahogany Urban Poetry features
Shewrights & Marques Littles
tonight in Sacramento, 7pm; and
El Dorado County Poet Laureate
Stephen Meadows reads tonight in
El Dorado Hills, 5:30pm.
For info about these and other
future poetry happenings in
Northern California and otherwheres,
click on
in the links at the top of this page—
and keep an eye on this link and on
the daily Kitchen for happenings
that might pop up
—or get changed!—
during the week.
Photos in this column can be enlarged by
clicking on them once, then clicking on the x
in the top right corner to come back to Medusa.
Poets’ bios appear on their first MK visit.
To find previous posts, type the name
of the poet (or poem) into the little
beige box at the top left-hand side
of this column. See also
Medusa’s Rapsheet at the bottom
of the blue column on the right
side of this column to find
any date you want.
Miss a post?
You can find our most recent ones by
scrolling down under this daily one.
Or there's an "Older Posts" button
at the bottom of this column.
(Please excuse typos in older posts!
Blogspot has been through a lot of
incarnations in 20 years!)
Would you like to be a SnakePal?
Guidelines are at the top of this page
at the Placating the Gorgon link;
send poetry and/or photos and artwork
to kathykieth@hotmail.com. We post
work from all over the world—including
that which was previously published—
and collaborations are welcome.
Just remember:
the snakes of Medusa are always hungry—
for poetry, of course!