Friday, October 01, 2021

Farewell September (Are We Set For The Fall?)

Early Fall Turkey Congregation
—Poetry and Photos by Taylor Graham, Placerville, CA
—And scroll down for Form Fiddlers' Friday!


Near autumn, oak leaves are ready to fall—
and are we ready, or not yet, for the fall?

At edge of cliff, sheer dropoff over granite—
with or without ropes, we’re met for the fall.

Fields stubble, garden finished, cordwood
stacked—this is what we get for the fall.

Watching the fires of drought on TV, we
pray for rain turning fields wet for the fall.

August malingered under smoke. What
can burn, will burn. Are we set for the fall?

Do we truly own this place, mortgaged,
insured for fire? or is it only let for the fall?

September is our fulcrum, flip-point, equinox.
Our good luck or not, anyone’s bet for the fall. 


This gold-rush alley is carved from rock
with ivy and periwinkle and unnamed vines
holding the climbing hillside together.

Here are under-tunneled pickaxed caverns,
remains of the soda works’ black adit
where ice from upcountry lake was stored.

Over coffee, poets might sit there,
native rhyolite eavesdropping their lines,
and ghosts when the town is mostly dark.

The exhibition’s gone from the gallery,
and where are those artful traces now,
the ones recording life as it used to be?

Canvas, muslin, and paper burn like forest
when wild lives descend to roam the town,
when its inhabitants are gone, or just asleep.

And who wanders without streetlights
past rusting harrow and propane tank
where homeless tomcat perches to pounce? 


Feral felines haunt the vine
where berries in summer twine
and hungry birds call it’s mine! But a cat
that’s carnivore must pine.

You may think that thin is chic—
cheekbones high and hollow cheek.
But this cat must dream and seek scrawny mouse,
house breathing skitter-squeak.

Envy the fat cats’ diet?
Alley’s a howling riot.
She prowls stealthy and quiet, still unfed.
Bread that’s stale?—she’d try it. 


New camera, better lens, same oak-tangled sunset.

Colors brilliant to eye, faded 2nd-hand thru a device.

Hike gloaming hill to just above the pasture clearing.

Finger on button—zigzag whoosh! without a sound.

Bat against crimson-yellow-orange sun flaming.

Old Somerset house (did it survive the fire?)—

bats sweeping from eaves at dusk to hunt mosquitos.

Too many/quick bats to catch on film or digital.

All this summer’s photos monochrome with smoke.

The best photos roam dark alleys retina to mind. 


The bridge is closed. Historic one-lane truss;
bridge harrowed in the dark. Some giddy gus
performed a spin-turn ending up across
the travel lane, stuck above floods that toss
wild snowmelt into rapids. Neighbors cuss

while experts must inspect when things concuss.
The ancient bridge-span’s not superfluous.
So many folks like C.C. have to cross
                        the bridge that’s closed.

Are far-side schoolkids waiting for the bus?
This business leaves us so much to discuss:
county budget, the ins-&-outs of loss….
as kayakers still ride their bucking-hoss
and C.C., stuck at home, can’t meet with us.
                       The bridge is closed. 

DAY 21—214,107 ACRES

TV blasts programmed iterations of aging news.
Sally recalls my dog Roxy on her lap, 36 years ago.
Mourning dove pecks seed kicked out of the feeder.
I need to clear my eyes, my head—air full of smoke.
The wild fire—wildfire—wildfire burning up the hill,
waltzing Mathilda and his ghost can be heard….
Sorry I can’t write a word that’s not just smoke.
And it’s only September, 4th day of the 11th hour.
I’m scared this is how our world consumes itself.
I dream of Next Year, green sprouting through ash. 

Today’s LittleNip:

—Taylor Graham

Bony-o crony-o
National Fossil Day
calls him to celebrate
for all he’s worth,

sharing old dinosaur’s
claims he’s a candidate
treasure of earth.


September 2021 is gone with the wind (heat, smoke, fire), and, like Taylor Graham says, we “dream of Next Year, green sprouting through ash”. She’s dreaming, too, of Alleys at Midnight, Medusa's Seed of the Week, and of the Double Dactyl, last Friday’s Fiddlers’ Challenge. All-in-all, the forms she has worked with this week include the Ghazal (“September Ghazal”); the Monostich (“Day 21 - 214,107 Acres” and “Catching Bat-Joy”); the Triversen (“Dark Alley”); the Englyn Unold Crwca (“Off the Alley”); the Double Dactyl (“Noachian”); and the Rondeau (“C.C. Misses Dog Training”). I had to look up Noachian. Other than referring to Noah and his time, it is “a geologic system and early time period on the planet Mars characterized by high rates of meteorite and asteroid impacts and the possible presence of abundant surface water”—according to Wikipedia, at least.

And now it’s time for . . .

It’s time for more contributions from Form Fiddlers, in addition to those sent to us by Taylor Graham! Each Friday for awhile, there will be poems posted here from some of our readers using forms—either ones which were mentioned on Medusa during the previous week, or whatever else floats through the Kitchen and the perpetually stoned mind of Medusa. If these instructions are vague, it's because they're meant to be. Just fiddle around with some forms and get them posted in the Kitchen, by golly! (See Medusa’s Form Finder at the end of this post for links to definitions of the forms used this week.)

Other than Taylor’s fine, fine forms this week, the rest of our contributions come from Caschwa (Carl Schwartz). We do have a few others dotted through the Kitchen on other days this week, though, and that’s ‘way cool. Check ‘em out!

Last Friday’s Fiddlers’ Challenge was the Double Dactyl. TG sent us one (see above), and here is a chain of them, courtesy of Caschwa:

—Caschwa, Sacramento, CA

oinkety boinkety
tax cuts for wealthy snobs
damn those unfortunate
regular folks

anyone less than a
forced to do manual
labor in yokes


uppity yuppity
vote for the candidate
likely to represent
values you heed

hope they don’t hearken to
spiritual influence
ain’t what we need


hatrio patrio
pledge of allegiance to
flag that we worship and
praise till we die

Second Amendment gives
basis to lower flag
grieve long and cry 

Caschwa also sent us two List poems:


(data gathered, analyzed, and reported by
people other than ourselves that may have
become trusted facts in our rote memory)

number of oceans and continents on Earth
full faith and credit of the U.S. government
most home runs ever hit by one player
Washington’s wooden teeth
which planets have moons
who discovered America
date and place of birth
the Great Depression
ultra-violet rays
atomic weights
the Gold Rush
Easter Bunny
atomic power
there’s more
Santa Claus
blood clots
most wars
Leap Year
tooth fairy
yet more


working up a sweat
running dishwasher
freezing ice cubes
requires careful balance
to multitask like that!

no rest for the weary
tomorrow morning
start the coffee
set timers, irrigate plants
slice a bagel, fry an egg
nuke some leftovers
oh my, time for a nap

signing off now 

Many thanks to our SnakePals for their brave fiddling! Would you like to be a SnakePal? All you have to do is send poetry—forms or not—and/or photos and artwork to We post work from all over the world, including that which was previously-published. Just remember: the snakes of Medusa are always hungry!



See what you can make of this week’s poetry form, and send it to! (No deadline.) This week's challenge is another Welsh form:      

•••Englyn Unold Crwca:

See Taylor Graham’s example (“Off the Alley”) above.


MEDUSA’S FORM FINDER: Links to poetry forms mentioned today:

•••Double Dactyl:
•••Englyn Unold Crwca:
•••Ghazal: OR OR OR  
•••List Poem:
 —Public Domain Photo

Photos in this column can be enlarged by
clicking on them once, then clicking on the x
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