Robert Priest
—Robert Priest, Carson City, NV
My dancer is! Is
thin as a broomstick
at five feet, eighty pounds,
she dances her three numbers
with friends from the dance class
in the four-hour year-end performance,
receives her bouquet of roses,
and will tomorrow return
for another round of radiation and chemo:
Thanks, Bob! Robert Priest divides his time between Ash Canyon Poets, helping his wife in her farming business, visiting grandchildren, and doing volunteer counseling as chaplain at the Carson Tahoe Regional Hospital. A retired research psychologist, he has lived in Chicago, Los Angeles, St. Louis, and Cornwall NY, and now in Carson City. He’s published 11 or 12 poems in online journals or small presses and was a guest poet on KUNR’s “Artist in Residence” series. In 2008, some of his poems and photographs appeared in the Vantage Points exhibit at Western Nevada College.
Watch for more of Bob's work in the brand-spanking new issue of Rattlesnake Review, hot off the computer this coming Wednesday at The Book Collector, 1008 24th St., Sacramento, 7:30 PM. We're creeping upward again, page-wise—over 80 pages of poetry from poets NorCal and otherwise—plus articles, reviews, art and photographs, an interview with Sacramento Poetry Hero Art Luna, announcements and the usual crytogram—more fun than you can shake a stick at, and all for free! So be sure to join us Wednesday, not only to pick up your free Snake, but also to hear Pat Grizzell, Jordan Reynolds and Katy Brown read and introduce their new publications from Rattlesnake Press.
Also this week in NorCal poetry:
•••Monday (9/8), 7:30 PM: Sacramento Poetry Center presents Terry a O’ Neal at HQ for the Arts, 25th & R Sts., Sacramento. [See last Friday's post for a bio.]
Coming up at SPC on Monday, Sept. 15: Jim Nolt.
•••Weds. (9/10), 7:30 PM: Rattlesnake Press presents Thirteen Poems, a new chapbook from Patrick Grizzell; #2 in Katy Brown's series of blank journals (Musings2: Vices, Virtues and Obsessions); a littlesnake broadside (Wind Physics) from Jordan Reynolds; plus Issue #19 of Rattlesnake Review. That's 7:30 PM at The Book Collector, 1008 24th St., Sacramento. Refreshments and a read-around will follow; bring your own poems or somebody else's.
•••Friday (9/12), 7-9 PM: Second Friday Poetry Reading at The Vox (gallery & cafe), 19th & X Sts., Sacramento. Featuring Tim Kahl, Danyen Powell, Jordan Reynolds, Carol Louise Moon and Aaron Gerwer. Hosted by Cynthia Linville. Family-friendly; reading is free, or come for the coffee bar, open from 6-10 PM.
•••Saturday (9/13), 2-4 PM: Culture Collection poetry series (which meets every second Sat.) presents the new BME (Black Men Expressing Tour), 6391 Riverside Blvd in Greenhaven (Sacramento). Free. Info: (916) 208-POET.
•••Saturday (9/13), 7:30 PM: Wordslingers 2008 will host Coleman Barks, the premier American translator of Rumi, at the Vets' Hall in Grass Valley. Tickets are available through the Center for the Arts, Briar Patch, & Yabobo. Info: Betsy Fasbinder, bgf2u@sbcglobal.net or Patricia Miller, dovepat@oro.net/.
•••Sunday (9/14), 3-5 PM: The Poets Club of Lincoln presents Cleo Fellers Kocol with “Poems from Antiquity: They Could Have Been Written Today” and an open mic at the new Twelve Bridges Library in Lincoln, in the Willow Room. After the feature, guest poets are welcome to read up to 3 poems. Sponsored by The Friends of the Lincoln Library.
—Robert Priest
Bang, bang, you’re dead said
I, killed folks for fun each day
when we would play cops
and robbers. I was
good guy defending justice
for years in my life.
But now I stare out
as a shapeless jello blob
unable to choose.
An arm flops, spastic,
face stiff, eyes unblinking, no
will to shoot anyone.
This medication
gives me two hours, tops, to be
a killer again.
—Robert Priest
Blue jerseys over
shoulder pads, large white numbers
visible from far.
Blue helmets strapped on,
eleven freshmen on field
thirty, sidelined, waiting.
Opponents in red
smaller, fewer, lose control
can't stop blue advances.
We cheer our guy on
—big number 76,
plays most of the game.
In my youth we played
without helmets, uniforms,
informal scrimmage.
The older I got
the more I stood on the side
watching like today
vanishing into
the blue haze as sun dips
below Sierras
Today's LittleNip:
Seek to disarrange. It's the ultimate arrangement.
—Stephen Dobyns
SnakeWatch: What's Up With Rattlesnake Press
Join us September 10 for Thirteen Poems, a new chapbook from Patrick Grizzell; #2 in Katy Brown's series of blank journals (Musings2: Vices, Virtues and Obsessions); a littlesnake broadside (Wind Physics) from Jordan Reynolds; plus Issue #19 of Rattlesnake Review (next deadline, for Issue #20, is November 15). That's 7:30 PM at The Book Collector, 1008 24th St., Sacramento.
Medusa's Weekly Menu:
(Contributors are welcome to cook up something for any and all of these!)
Monday: Weekly NorCal poetry calendar
Tuesday: Seed of the Week: Tuesday is Medusa's day to post poetry triggers such as quotes, forms, photos, memories, jokes—whatever might tickle somebody's muse. Pick up the gauntlet and send in your poetic results; and don't be shy about sending in your own triggers, too! All poems will be posted and a few of them will go into Medusa's Corner of each Rattlesnake Review. Send your work to kathykieth@hotmail.com or P.O. Box 762, Pollock Pines, CA 95726. No deadline for SOW; respond today, tomorrow, or whenever the muse arrives. (Print 'em out, maybe, save 'em for a dry spell?) When you send us work, though, just let us know which "seed" it was that inspired you.
Wednesday (sometimes): HandyStuff Quickies: Resources for the poet, including whatever helps ease the pain of writing and/or publishing: favorite journals to read and/or submit to; books, etc., about writing; organizational tools—you know—HandyStuff! Tell us about your favorite tools.
Thursday: B.L.'s Drive-Bys: Micro-reviews by our irreverent Reviewer-in-Residence, B.L. Kennedy. Send books, CDs, DVDs, etc. to him for possible review (either as a Drive-By or in future issues of Rattlesnake Review) at P.O. Box 160664, Sacramento, CA 95816.
Friday: NorCal weekend poetry calendar
Daily (except Sunday): LittleNips: SnakeFood for the Poetic Soul: Daily munchables for poetic thought, including short paragraphs, quotes, wonky words, silliness, little-known poetry/poet facts, and other inspiration—yet another way to feed our ravenous poetic souls.
And poetry! Every day, poetry from writers near and far and in-between! The Snakes of Medusa are always hungry.......!
Medusa encourages poets of all ilk and ages to send their POETRY, PHOTOS and ART, as well as announcements of Northern California poetry events, to kathykieth@hotmail.com (or snail ‘em to P.O. Box 762, Pollock Pines, CA 95726) for posting on this daily Snake blog. Rights remain with the poets. Previously-published poems are okay for Medusa’s Kitchen, as long as you own the rights. (Please cite publication.) Medusa cannot vouch for the moral fiber of other publications, contests, etc. that she lists, however, so submit to them at your own risk. For more info about the Snake Empire, including guidelines for submitting to or obtaining our publications, click on the link to the right of this column: Rattlesnake Press (rattlesnakepress.com). And be sure to sign up for Snakebytes, our monthly e-newsletter that will keep you up-to-date on all our ophidian chicanery.
—Robert Priest, Carson City, NV
My dancer is! Is
thin as a broomstick
at five feet, eighty pounds,
she dances her three numbers
with friends from the dance class
in the four-hour year-end performance,
receives her bouquet of roses,
and will tomorrow return
for another round of radiation and chemo:
Thanks, Bob! Robert Priest divides his time between Ash Canyon Poets, helping his wife in her farming business, visiting grandchildren, and doing volunteer counseling as chaplain at the Carson Tahoe Regional Hospital. A retired research psychologist, he has lived in Chicago, Los Angeles, St. Louis, and Cornwall NY, and now in Carson City. He’s published 11 or 12 poems in online journals or small presses and was a guest poet on KUNR’s “Artist in Residence” series. In 2008, some of his poems and photographs appeared in the Vantage Points exhibit at Western Nevada College.
Watch for more of Bob's work in the brand-spanking new issue of Rattlesnake Review, hot off the computer this coming Wednesday at The Book Collector, 1008 24th St., Sacramento, 7:30 PM. We're creeping upward again, page-wise—over 80 pages of poetry from poets NorCal and otherwise—plus articles, reviews, art and photographs, an interview with Sacramento Poetry Hero Art Luna, announcements and the usual crytogram—more fun than you can shake a stick at, and all for free! So be sure to join us Wednesday, not only to pick up your free Snake, but also to hear Pat Grizzell, Jordan Reynolds and Katy Brown read and introduce their new publications from Rattlesnake Press.
Also this week in NorCal poetry:
•••Monday (9/8), 7:30 PM: Sacramento Poetry Center presents Terry a O’ Neal at HQ for the Arts, 25th & R Sts., Sacramento. [See last Friday's post for a bio.]
Coming up at SPC on Monday, Sept. 15: Jim Nolt.
•••Weds. (9/10), 7:30 PM: Rattlesnake Press presents Thirteen Poems, a new chapbook from Patrick Grizzell; #2 in Katy Brown's series of blank journals (Musings2: Vices, Virtues and Obsessions); a littlesnake broadside (Wind Physics) from Jordan Reynolds; plus Issue #19 of Rattlesnake Review. That's 7:30 PM at The Book Collector, 1008 24th St., Sacramento. Refreshments and a read-around will follow; bring your own poems or somebody else's.
•••Friday (9/12), 7-9 PM: Second Friday Poetry Reading at The Vox (gallery & cafe), 19th & X Sts., Sacramento. Featuring Tim Kahl, Danyen Powell, Jordan Reynolds, Carol Louise Moon and Aaron Gerwer. Hosted by Cynthia Linville. Family-friendly; reading is free, or come for the coffee bar, open from 6-10 PM.
•••Saturday (9/13), 2-4 PM: Culture Collection poetry series (which meets every second Sat.) presents the new BME (Black Men Expressing Tour), 6391 Riverside Blvd in Greenhaven (Sacramento). Free. Info: (916) 208-POET.
•••Saturday (9/13), 7:30 PM: Wordslingers 2008 will host Coleman Barks, the premier American translator of Rumi, at the Vets' Hall in Grass Valley. Tickets are available through the Center for the Arts, Briar Patch, & Yabobo. Info: Betsy Fasbinder, bgf2u@sbcglobal.net or Patricia Miller, dovepat@oro.net/.
•••Sunday (9/14), 3-5 PM: The Poets Club of Lincoln presents Cleo Fellers Kocol with “Poems from Antiquity: They Could Have Been Written Today” and an open mic at the new Twelve Bridges Library in Lincoln, in the Willow Room. After the feature, guest poets are welcome to read up to 3 poems. Sponsored by The Friends of the Lincoln Library.
—Robert Priest
Bang, bang, you’re dead said
I, killed folks for fun each day
when we would play cops
and robbers. I was
good guy defending justice
for years in my life.
But now I stare out
as a shapeless jello blob
unable to choose.
An arm flops, spastic,
face stiff, eyes unblinking, no
will to shoot anyone.
This medication
gives me two hours, tops, to be
a killer again.
—Robert Priest
Blue jerseys over
shoulder pads, large white numbers
visible from far.
Blue helmets strapped on,
eleven freshmen on field
thirty, sidelined, waiting.
Opponents in red
smaller, fewer, lose control
can't stop blue advances.
We cheer our guy on
—big number 76,
plays most of the game.
In my youth we played
without helmets, uniforms,
informal scrimmage.
The older I got
the more I stood on the side
watching like today
vanishing into
the blue haze as sun dips
below Sierras
Today's LittleNip:
Seek to disarrange. It's the ultimate arrangement.
—Stephen Dobyns
SnakeWatch: What's Up With Rattlesnake Press
Join us September 10 for Thirteen Poems, a new chapbook from Patrick Grizzell; #2 in Katy Brown's series of blank journals (Musings2: Vices, Virtues and Obsessions); a littlesnake broadside (Wind Physics) from Jordan Reynolds; plus Issue #19 of Rattlesnake Review (next deadline, for Issue #20, is November 15). That's 7:30 PM at The Book Collector, 1008 24th St., Sacramento.
Medusa's Weekly Menu:
(Contributors are welcome to cook up something for any and all of these!)
Monday: Weekly NorCal poetry calendar
Tuesday: Seed of the Week: Tuesday is Medusa's day to post poetry triggers such as quotes, forms, photos, memories, jokes—whatever might tickle somebody's muse. Pick up the gauntlet and send in your poetic results; and don't be shy about sending in your own triggers, too! All poems will be posted and a few of them will go into Medusa's Corner of each Rattlesnake Review. Send your work to kathykieth@hotmail.com or P.O. Box 762, Pollock Pines, CA 95726. No deadline for SOW; respond today, tomorrow, or whenever the muse arrives. (Print 'em out, maybe, save 'em for a dry spell?) When you send us work, though, just let us know which "seed" it was that inspired you.
Wednesday (sometimes): HandyStuff Quickies: Resources for the poet, including whatever helps ease the pain of writing and/or publishing: favorite journals to read and/or submit to; books, etc., about writing; organizational tools—you know—HandyStuff! Tell us about your favorite tools.
Thursday: B.L.'s Drive-Bys: Micro-reviews by our irreverent Reviewer-in-Residence, B.L. Kennedy. Send books, CDs, DVDs, etc. to him for possible review (either as a Drive-By or in future issues of Rattlesnake Review) at P.O. Box 160664, Sacramento, CA 95816.
Friday: NorCal weekend poetry calendar
Daily (except Sunday): LittleNips: SnakeFood for the Poetic Soul: Daily munchables for poetic thought, including short paragraphs, quotes, wonky words, silliness, little-known poetry/poet facts, and other inspiration—yet another way to feed our ravenous poetic souls.
And poetry! Every day, poetry from writers near and far and in-between! The Snakes of Medusa are always hungry.......!
Medusa encourages poets of all ilk and ages to send their POETRY, PHOTOS and ART, as well as announcements of Northern California poetry events, to kathykieth@hotmail.com (or snail ‘em to P.O. Box 762, Pollock Pines, CA 95726) for posting on this daily Snake blog. Rights remain with the poets. Previously-published poems are okay for Medusa’s Kitchen, as long as you own the rights. (Please cite publication.) Medusa cannot vouch for the moral fiber of other publications, contests, etc. that she lists, however, so submit to them at your own risk. For more info about the Snake Empire, including guidelines for submitting to or obtaining our publications, click on the link to the right of this column: Rattlesnake Press (rattlesnakepress.com). And be sure to sign up for Snakebytes, our monthly e-newsletter that will keep you up-to-date on all our ophidian chicanery.