
Wednesday, June 08, 2005

It Must Be Something That Brings Me Joy...

Athena II
—Patricia L. Nichol, Sacramento

The snake slithers through the summer heat
until it finds a stone under which to hide.
It sheds its skin, that thin membrane;
the snake is renewed, reborn.

My goat skin shield is lined with snakes.
My owl eyes see through the darkness
to where my father sits on Olympus
holding court, lord of the world.

I have seen the fragile and the fair,
listened to bird song, felt honey on my tongue,
heard cinnamon notes in the hot air,
known war to be the game of fools.

I steal through the summer heat
until I find a temple inside of which to hide.
I shed my war skin, taste honey on my tongue,
know I am reborn, and stand up on two legs.

(appears in Rattlesnake Review #6)

Patricia Nichol is a Sacramento gal who is one of the featured poets in the latest issue of Tiger's Eye: A Journal of Poetry. Tiger's Eye is unique in that it spotlights several poets each issue, interviewing them in addition to publishing several of their poems. It's always so interesting to listen to what people have to say about their work styles. Here's a sample from Patricia's interview:

About a year ago, I realized that sticking rigorously to the notion that I must write everyday was a form of self-punishment and my super-ego was going crazy and was punitive. The truth is, I am a writer, I love writing, and I write. As difficult as it is, it must be something that brings me joy. Once I let go of this "should," I didn't start writing less; in fact, I might even be writing more, and it certainly is a whole lot more enjoyable and life-enhancing.

Any thoughts for Medusa and your fellow readers about what Patricia has to say? E-mail me by checking on the little envelope at the bottom of this page.

More about Tiger's Eye tomorrow. And don't forget Mary Zeppa's reading tonight: The Book Collector, 7:30.
