
Tuesday, June 07, 2005

All Coiled Up And Ready to Spring—

Today I'm sitting at the coiling machine, binding little backs onto Snake 6. The issue is ready to spring out into the world—maybe at Donna Kuhn's "Bird a Door". Donna is from Aptos-by-the-Sea, one of the more beautiful places in the world, and her poetry should wake you up this morning:

Donna Kuhn, Aptos

a feeling blue eye shadow gear
remember, plastic horses are hungry for snow

don't be skirts inside sleep
what i think, must make money

it is nite, very simple
dark bird as door

i feel very busy, a feeling u cant
not a violin going inside

camping the way u do
your rivers, coffee; i am a fence

u were the moon, moon splotch
im on my knees, break a bird

hissed in the dark, black dress
not a violin, what i think inside sleep


And don't forget Mary Zeppa's reading tomorrow night. Book Collector, 7:30.
