—Norman Fischer
What we want is a model of the universe
That includes everything leaving nothing out
Yet is completely different fresh unique holding nothing in
With any of its constituent elementsYet is not strange exotic and does not make us feel
What we want is a model of the universe we canRead about in a magazine article with pictures
Yet it can’t be just another magazine article and it can’t
Be in a regular magazine this magazine will glow as it
shimmers before our eyes
What we want is a model of the universe that will answer all our questions
To which we can refer for all sorts of adviceTo foretell the future cure bursitis get rich quick aphrodisiac
And will be absolutely foolproof one hundred percent of the time
What we want is a model of the universeThat we can talk to coyly we can droop our eyelids at
Plump our lower lips begin the sniffle
And it will pat our shoulders say “there there dear” grow
sad and droopy itself
But without ever really losing its composure or assuranceWhat we want is a model of the universe so complex we can
never understand it
So simple we can grasp it in a glance and explain it to our friends via a few simple sentences
What we want is a model of the universeWhich once in our possession becomes identified so
strikingly with us
That we become internationally famous our namesHousehold words the meaning of our doing and saying
An eternally living legacy around which all subsequent
culture is organized
What we want is a model of the universe we can count on time after time
Yet is never tiring never predictable eternally newWhat we want is a model of the universe that is better than
someone else’s model of the universe
That makes their model of the universe look really pale by comparison although
Only we realize this and our intimate friendsBut our model of the universe is also better than the
Model of the universe of even our intimate friends
Although the fact of the matter is that no one but us really
Possesses a model of the universe it is our own little secret
However we write poems about it that strike others as
Infinitely suggestive and profound but since this makes us
feel lonely
We want a model of the universe that everyone understandsWe want a model of the universe that explains everything
Yet doesn’t take the mystery out of anything in fact adds
Even to the simplest of daily actions a model of the universe that
Keeps us fit and eating delicate and healthy foodsA model of the universe in which we appear never
overweight nor old
Yet we don’t want to actually appear in this model of the universe
We want to be beyond it holding it in our hand looking at it from a distance
Yet we don’t want to feel alien from it either we want loveWe want a model of the universe in which we can always
stay home
Yet be able to travel whenever we want to remote placesWhere all foreign languages are actually English
Though they never lose their ethnic charm
What we want is a model of the universe
Contiguous with the total shape of time
So that it neither begins nor ends is neither something nor
What we want is a model of the universe in whichThis poem therefore never ends and in which it never began