
Sunday, December 22, 2024

Hot Romance & Long-Long Sneezes

 —Poetry by Claire J. Baker, Pinole, CA
—Public Domain Visuals Courtesy of Medusa

My passion’s flame took a dive
and fizzled to an ember.
I’m still a youngish ninety-five,
and what a thrill—September’s

flower, gem, a sexy dance
(I try to stay attractive).
I fantasize a hot romance:
fire leaping, and I’m active!

O, such a lovely garden snake!

But, whether it curls or humps along,

the sensuous Eve within me—jumps,

goes minus zero in the gut.

I plead not guilty for my thoughts

of wanting handsome Adam to rut.


Like me, do you enjoy
an overwhelming sneeze—
an ah-ah-ah-ah urge

that shakes you like a purge
& leaves you on the verge
until that let-loose surge

drops you to your knees?
Like me, do you enjoy
an overwhelming sneeze?


On this computer day, I flub up;
delete all incoming emails.
Farewell, political porridge;
tricky questionnaires,
the nickname list for Grandmas.
No more roses being painted on
my screen, petal-by-petal
into a stunning bouquet
because it’s my B-Day,

The chain letter, ready to send
on to ten floundering souls, zapped;
vanished are fleas performing
amazing feats with ease!
Most shocking of all, I had deleted
my mind & didn’t feel much different!


My first Amazon Tablet,
like a tall, thin, black plastic
and glass book, waits
at attention on her stand.
Is Alexa anticipating
my next move, my: Alexa,
play meditation music?

her shiny black mask: No, Alexa,
I need nada from you this moment—
Has Alexa taken mindfulness,
now feels overly aware of me,
BOO, I want to shout through
well, maybe a cheer for my efforts
to fathom your potential.

Alexa, I know you’re loaded
with the latest tcch that I’m not yet
comfy trying. But, hey, I do my best
to sound grateful/respectful when
asking: Alexa, play meditation music?

A newly-born, I wailed
one tremendous WAIL
to prove I was hardy & hale—
a kind of celebratory prayer
for mom & the clever cord
that fed me well, in there.

But now when I consider
that fleshy button bump,
that elemental lump
that rides my belly jello,
I fall asleep in minutes—
old & odd, but mellow.

And this scene really happened - - -

          for John Rowe

Hello again, I’d like
two books of your
Forever stamps?

    Familiar clerk:
    Is that all you need?
    And didn’t you get
    Forever last week?

Good memory,
right I did,
but unfortunately
that book of forever
didn’t last.


Today’s LittleNip:

—Claire J. Baker

A coffin’s not
a cheery place
that one is seeking out.

So please be sure,
in any case
that I’ll be climbing out.


—Medusa, with thanks to Claire Baker for today’s fine, fun poetry!
Christmas Graphitti

A reminder that
Soulful Sunday’s Ugly Sweater
Poets Party takes place tonight
in Sacramento, 6pm. For info
about this and other
future poetry happenings in
Northern California and otherwheres,
click on

in the links at the top of this page—
and keep an eye on this link and on
the daily Kitchen for happenings
that might pop up
—or get changed!—
 during the week.

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Just remember:
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