
Thursday, October 20, 2022

Rolling Up Those Hours

—Poetry and Visuals by Smith, Cleveland OH 
I roll the hours up the hill
they roll back down in minutes

I take the stairs from here to there
descending them to then

I sit in shadow
tending wounds and more

Something waiting wants to eat me

An old song long gone
plops into my morning brain
dances ear to ear

Hoping it's fine
knowing it's not
continuing anyway

"dead dead Bap re bap" —

This is the transcript of a voicemail
Lady left me.

She has no idea what it means.

Message is 3 minutes long,
and this is all there is.

She didn't call
so fone homed on own.
Maybe it's the Cosmic Password.

If so
I'm gonna log in
change it
and sit back and wait.
Buddha Bright

Dying drying rivers reveal
carved stone Buddhas in China
mob bodies in Vegas

The news
who knows
how bad it goes

I new
in now
happy anyhow

from life in the fast lane
to strife in the last lane

as Einstein sez
it's all relative
so reality's your in-law
Tombstone Territories

I run on
and weed

Today’s LittleNip:

Things break down
until they stop
I go on till then



Smith is in the Kitchen today, and welcome back to him and his way-cool poetry and visuals! Steven Smith suffered a bad fall recently, with multiple injuries, and he’s having to work his way through it with not-a-little pain. Fortunately, recent arm surgery was completed with success. Hang in there, Big Guy! Joy, love, coffee and weed…

Tonight, Poetry Night Reading Series in Davis presents Margaret Ronda and Augusta Funk plus open mic (7pm), and Joe Montoya’s Poetry Unplugged in Sacramento presents featured readers and open mic starting at 8pm. Plus, the venerable Dodge Festival is happening now through Sunday, with lots of online events. Click UPCOMING NORCAL EVENTS at the top of this column for details about these and other future poetry events in the NorCal area.



 Maybe Tomorrow

—Photo by Smith

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and collaborations are welcome.
Just remember:
the snakes of Medusa are always hungry—
for poetry, of course!
...they roll back down in minutes...