
Saturday, May 07, 2022

Opportunity Knocks

—Poetry by Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozábal, 
West Covina, CA
—Visuals by Luis Berriozábal


Opportunity knocks
once in a while
and there are ducks
in the backyard.

It is too early still
to crack open a beer
or a window to
tell the ducks that

South is the other way.
Things have gone south
for me enough. I know
the direction by heart.

To the victors go
the spoils and I
spent enough time
losing. I know the score.

Everything will be fine.
It is a thing I say
to myself and those
are words to live by.



This morning when birdsong
scraped the sky’s ears it felt

like more or less no one paid
attention to the songs as much

as I did. Perhaps life is getting
too harsh. The blood red moon

rising over the mountains. There
has been too much death that

was not expected. Paying attention
is not easy to do when you just

want to forget. The silent moments
also provide the heart solace.





Spent the afternoon
with the burning sun.
Birds sang from the trees
and the sky was blue.

On my feet I stood
while the red ants crawled,
crossing the yard as
their miniature

frames carried leaves. In
the yard a cat walked
while birds sang on and
on from trees. I felt

the sunlight glare. I
could feel its bite. I
spent all afternoon
with a burning sun,
with a broken heart.



Coming down from something
or listening to someone,
the young man on First
Street yells out something
angry in tone and not at
all intelligible. I sit in my
car waiting for the local
spot to open to grab an
egg plate with rice and
beans. I watch him walk
past my car as he keeps
yelling and walking away.
I wonder if he will be fine
after this episode goes
away. I wonder if it will be
safe to walk out. Will the
young man come back
and start something? I
doubt he will, since he
did not come up to my
car or make any form of
eye contact. I wonder
about a lot of things.



Rest your shadow
in your grave’s heart.
Let the ghosts and
the birds’ songs
keep it busy.

If the hours move
too slow, learn to
be patient. No light
will touch you here.
Rest your shadow.

Live with the sounds
that come from the sky.
The birds’ songs
will keep you at
ease in your grave.



SHOULD I GO?  04/10/2022

When my time comes
I hope no one,
not even me,
cries as I go.

I was never
cut out for this
world. Should I go?
I still need time

to take notice
of the world and
its beauty I



A second dosage
may make getting
out of bed easier
this morning. As far
as I can see people
could disagree but
none of them are me.

A small light comes
on in my car and I hope
it does not break down.
A dead car will not
take me from place to
place. I hope it is
something simple.

I open the windows
to get some fresh air
inside. I find my way
home. The light is gone.
I can see more good
luck on the way. I
can’t wait for morning.


Today’s LittleNip:

If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.

—Milton Berle


Thanks to Luis Berriozábal for his poems, photo, and the sketches that he makes on his office calendar, and to Joe Nolan for the stormy sentiment he found for us this spring morning!

Poetry readings are back with a bang in our area, so don’t forget to check UPCOMING NORCAL EVENTS in our links on a regular basis. Lately, I find myself adding events almost every day.

A reminder that Poetry in Locke is happening this afternoon in Locke by the river. D.R. Wagner writes on Facebook that the event will have “bar-b-que, beverages, live music, pot luck. [Plus poetry, of course!] Trying to raise money for [Cold River] Press. It's a free event, starts at Noon. [D.R. will] be reading first. Come see us. Stroll around Locke and its environs. Should be a super day. Not too hot.” Check it all out at UPCOMING NORCAL EVENTS, the last link at the top of this page. There’s a poster there that lists all the readers.




—Public Domain Photo Courtesy of  
Joe Nolan, Stockton, CA













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and collaborations are welcome.
Just remember:
the snakes of Medusa are always hungry—
for poetry, of course!