
Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Unconditional Love

Itsy Bitsy
—Photo by Michelle Kunert
—Poetry by Michelle Kunert, Sacramento, CA
     My parents’ neighbors’ outdoor calico cat, Itsy Bitsy, “worships” me by begging for affectionate attention
     While rescue cats in my own family demand to be served by their human guardians—and domesticated cats' nature generally tends to be as if they were still “gods” to be served as they were in ancient Egypt—
     Itsy Bitsy, whenever she meets me, either bows or courtesies; she even crunches down and stretches her paws like the great Sphinx before my feet, except with her head down as if in prayer
     She does this position because she likes to have her neck, head and ears scratched
     When I do that, Itsy Bitsy will come up to rub against my legs and purr
     But when I reach down to stroke her, at that pointshe might suddenly bite my hand like a striking snake in defense—yet she remains totally unaware that she hurt me by doing that
     The cat still purrs, even though I might have a bleeding bite mark on my hand
     Itsy Bitsy has also bitten my mom, and my mom therefore won’t dare touch her unless wearing gardening gloves
     This is one of the reasons the “guardian” neighbor has even offered to give my mom or me the “crazy” cat
     I learned Itsy Bitsy is exiled to being completely outside for refusing to use a litterbox when she was indoors
     Apparently, even though Itsy Bitsy is spayed, she sprays to mark her “territory" like a tomcat
     The neighbor lady said once to me, “she has a microchip in her with my name and address,
but if she is found by Animal Control, they can take her.”
     But, being myself a cat fan who is appreciative and respectful of feral cats who don’t show humans any attention
     I still love Itsy Bitsy and have fed her and given her treats regardless of who she is—and I am perhaps the only example of a human “God” she knows anymore  
—Public Domain Artwork

     Apparently the dire, current Covid situation won’t cancel the 2021 California Capital Airshow at Mather Airport
     Frankly I wish our “cancel culture” would hit hard in regards to shows of such billion-dollar "murdering machines"
     Our military forces this year are promoting a possible “super spreader” event with the USFA Thunderbirds and Canadian Snowbirds
     One of the last things that Governor Gavin Newsom might do while holding office would be to ban airshows in California for good
     Though I am a registered Republican for being a pro-life evangelical, I am also “anti-war”—
American air shows, as well as military parades, are as stupid as what we see North Korea doing around the nuclear bomb it has built
     America gets hated today for bringing imperialistic oppression and death by bombings rather than liberation and freedom for people
     It’s no wonder that terrorists today get seen as heroes for daring to stand up to fight against American forces


Today’s LittleNip:

Owners of dogs will have noticed that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they will think you are god. Whereas owners of cats are compelled to realize that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they draw the conclusion that they are gods.
― Christopher Hitchens,
The Portable Atheist: Essential Readings for the Nonbeliever


Tomorrow night (Thurs., 9/16), 7pm: Poetry Night in Davis presents James Lee Jobe and Tamer Mostafa plus open mic (4 min. or 2 items). Natsoulas Gallery, 521 1st St., Davis. Host: Andy Jones. Masks required.


—Medusa, with many thanks to Michelle Kunert for her snappy poetry and photos today! Best of luck to Itsy Bitsy: a feisty girl who, it seems, just can’t help herself…
—Public Domain Artwork

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