Sunday, April 18, 2021

When Things Were "Normal"

Whale Dancer
—Public Domain Photo Courtesy of Joseph Nolan

—Joseph Nolan, Stockton, CA

As if,
The world could stop spinning,
For just a moment,
To let some of us
Disgruntled passengers off,
To have a walk in space
To try to find
Their place
In this Universe,
Like things were normal,
Once again,
Like we remember when
We were kids

And we didn’t have to fear
And unseen bugs,
So your wear a mask,
And never ask,
If invisible enemies
Are really out to get you?

How did we lose
Every trace of innocence,
While we self-abuse,
By covering our faces,
Abandoning all traces
Of who we used to be?

Is there any way out of here,
From this madness, we’ve become,
Or must we descend,
Farther and farther,
Into the depths of tyranny,
Before we shall come to see,
Our reflections in circus-mirrors?


Open mic today on Zoom with Lincoln Poets at Meeting ID: 828 1685 8339; Passcode: 401798. If you’d like to read, please RSVP David Anderson at Time is 3pm.

—Medusa, with thanks to Joseph Nolan for today’s poetry!