
Thursday, April 15, 2021

Ties That Blind

—Poetry and Visuals by Smith (Steven B. Smith), Cleveland, OH


Near night end
quiet time before flesh wakes
and psyches stir
dawn yet to rise on new day dream
air light with lesser sound
thinned of thought

Cat's asleep on cardboard box
wife meditating on couch
I drink pre-day coffee
grateful sun's unsprung

Gazing out near window dark
I inward go
find no one home

If this were math class
I'd be imaginary number
square root of none
sum of un
my homework eaten by fog

Weed one hand
cup coffee other
hard high road
steering with my knee
General Admission

If there is light
dark is near, and equal

Seems to me it's you and me and entropy
sliding down the coffin lid
digging our own dirt

I watch the once-famous
fumble toward any light
looking for a laugh

Best know life starts crooked
then fast frays south
to food or feed

Going to need eyes
in back of your eyes
and foots to flee

pain polishes bone
time and seas smooth even stone

My weary comes wandering
wondering why the worry weight

Moods roiled
reality soiled
life's oil

May your roll
be lilacs and lavender
ever-flowing 4-leafed clovers

I find meaning in the moment
pick my pearls from the pus
Mouth Man

If all is illusion
why do we work
and pay rent?


Seems to me a lot of people
are sleeping with a lot of people
under various rules and regulations
while I deal in shadow
(for not all place bound in time)

I think it’s neat sniffing sheep in heat
though not my style
I’m more rock n roll cool cruel lean scene
with lots overlapping

I’m the high in Ohio
Fractals friend
Mom made whether
Dad’s leaks and squeaks
(which is white of me)
Proof positive ant’s scant
leather lash shadow due

I fear neither name
nor knowledge
for magic round bounds
joyous in between
high noon weed easy
stone throw from sanity

Step outside the lines
Stable tables
Video yesteryear roarshock inkblot
new age pap
mammaries for stars

Be one
Be nothing
Bananas brown Asian to African
Albinos weep white
dark, as Africa used to be
Target Practice
In my vignette
I grow gripes
To make into whine


not quite useless

Good’s be said for cleaning shades
or clearing stun glass shadows shallow stain
or wiping lip off male stick
or camouflage as one of them

Ties that blind in trying blend
tying love to partner’s bed
binding lies to kin for skin
or kiss instead poor Sodom’s plot near Salem’s sin

Snot not knots for children bred of ladies loose
or wine blood red of jailer’s noose when upward led
or wiping soft spot baby’s head

Pre-dawn car lights
crossing fog-shrouded bridge
from nought to naught

Today’s LittleNip:

I can make the black cat purr
the wife smile
I have skills



Smith is in fine form today, as always, and we’re grateful that he dropped into the Kitchen, rattling the sink and the stove with his rockin’ rhythms and blues! It’s also good to know that faraway SnakePals are surviving the pandemic; where would we be without them???

Poetry Night in Davis features Michael Rothenberg and special guests tonight on Zoom at 8pm: Host: Andy Jones. See Dr. Andy’s (free) weekly newsletter at—and please subscribe! Find the Facebook Event Page for this reading at


smith op

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