
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Kissed by the Sun

—Poems by Ann Wehrman, Sacramento. CA
—Photos by Chris Feldman



thick-chested stranger
dark-haired arms

did conditioning chain him?
turns in his seat
gaze lowered
strong hands empty, quiet

what’s inside him—
kind, gentle friend
or walking source of pain
someone’s worst nightmare

bus stops
he stands, leaves
unaware, unconcerned


spring sings first love
new, sweet, delicate
softest pink flowers riot
spindly brown branches
cupped upward, open like a hand
offer pale roses, see how beautiful?

your muslin shirt open
sun-browned neck rising
fabric printed with delicate pink flowers
softness underscoring soulful
depth of your eyes, behind shy-flirtatious
shoulder-length hair
fragile blossoms highlighting
life force pulsing in your throat

your photo shows spring’s renewal
pink blooms all over the tree
in pale green grass
let me tell you
about the rose-floral chiffon fabric
I found on sale
color, print tore my heart
let me show it to you
it’s here in my dresser drawer


slow spell—
I look out the window
across the green in this
government housing complex

timid yet resolute
slow, steady steps
he pokes out of his studio

stands in the late morning
breathes still-cold February air
that smells of new grass

fills bowls for kibble, water

stands, smokes
his chihuahua breakfasts

I smile but don’t wave
he’s a stranger
who sees and acknowledges
a type of companionship

returning a year later
inevitable tax season
I look for him
one hour passes, two

I admit, he was old
but then he appears
through the window
across the lawn

sitting quietly
face in shadow
T-shirt-covered belly
kissed by the sun

Today’s LittleNip:

—Ann Wehrman

dawn breaks cold
thick fog spreads
miasma of worry
torn from a dream
jagged threats
fog searches for throats
enters noses, fills lungs
clutches hearts 


—Medusa, thanking Ann Wehrman and Chris Feldman for pairing up fine poems and photos today, and to Joseph Nolan for his bodacious bunny below! That's what this pandemic needs: a little more whimsy...

 —Public Domain Photo Courtesy of Joseph Nolan, Stockton, CA

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