
Thursday, February 20, 2020

Nine Quickies

New Era
—Poems and Visuals by Smith, Cleveland, OH

There’re three mes in me:
skin, brain, and bone
and none of them will leave me alone

 I Eye

Mingus our magic
we mingle our meld both mode
and modality


A toad down a well
sees only some of the sky
cannot judge true hue

 Safety Stop

It is what it is
this mixture of past present
this of of what was

 You Need Vision

Time is big, I am
small, am but shank of shadow
yet no me, no time

 Waterpuss Watching

I sit in the dark
watch the traffic light change
bet on the color

 Watch Your Step

Snake bites scorpion
scorpion stings snake
life goes on

 See and Weep

A dead clock reads right
by accident twice a light
otherwise is lies


Today’s LittleNip:

Fallen sparrow tracks
in the snow lead nowhere
follow anyway



Thank you, Smith (Steven B. Smith) for these brief but pungent poems and visuals, all the way from the Land of Cleves!

Poetry event choices in our area today and tonight include:

•••Third Thursdays in the Sacramento Room of the Sac. Library downtown on I Street meets at noon. Bring poems about any kind of love by someone other than yourself, or about Black History Month (info:

•••Poetry Unplugged at Luna’s Cafe and Juice Bar features Jorge Quintana plus open mic, 8pm, on 16th St. in Sacramento;

•••Poetry in Davis features John Brantingham plus open mic at John Natsoulas Gallery on 1st St. in Davis, also 8pm. Scroll down to the blue column (under the green column at the right) for info about these and other upcoming poetry events in our area—and note that more may be added at the last minute.


—Medusa, celebrating the brief and the pungent!

 —Photo of Good-Luck-to-Come by Smith

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