
Friday, September 20, 2019

Sisyphus Rocks 'n Rolls

—Poems and Visuals by Smith, Cleveland, OH


1st cup coffee morning 1:
1 medium beige moth
death by flame

1st cup morning 2:
1 thin black moth drowns in water
1 more flies in flame

1st cup morning 3:
1 small beige dies by drowning

1st cup morning 4:
no death
coffee tastes the same



So many rocks to rock and roll
there's the rent rock
the car rock
the food rock
the cut and fix the flesh rock
the skin color rock
the bully rock
the cock rock
talk rot
mock rock
rock rock
and of course the ought not rock
so I wake at night
cry for missing mommy Entropy
and dead daddy Doubt
mess my bed with wet of sweat
from cultural courted stress
more or less moralless
and rage at rock
as I faux
rekindle hope of besting slope.



I’ve been told too many truths for justice
or torment in limbic loin
to look for form or function in future satin

I crow denial thrice
return to green for growing
and look to lust for life in logic’s other loggerjam



I'd barred the door
unwelcomed mat
said no way
I'm over that
besides you're young
but whippersnap
we've wayward flow
no future flap
so you must go
right now
not slow
but the Lady stayed and came


Our sad-eyed Sufi writes of rain
a night boat on the river
1,000 bright moments
intimate awnings
4 a.m. birds
love won
love lost
then blushes when we applaud

 Art in America


O Red White and Blue-eyed Lady, I am
But a fey ray in the King Kong of your
Clutch, a dank doodle dandy, Jekyll-haired
Hyde. For to spite your apple-laid Annies,
Your tacky plastic seams of care slighted
Bellies begetting sewer, catfish cauls,
You fed me my folly, bled my need
Of calling,

Beshat, of fox on Farley.

 Short Circuit


Heading for Worry War III
what with the orange virus
and small hands on large levers
in the White House

bullies bellow loud in the land
but I don't worry
cuz edamame ain't got no daddy
and Only the Lonely is ever so lovely
in the season of the song

so welcome on in from the dark
to our corner of the arc
and sit a spell

light is low
but warm and real
feel fine
for flowing flux
depends on being kind

and luck



Ciao chow boogie go down wail gone
Sassafras the fancies she’s my daddy-o mom
My moldy goldy oldie my crazy maybe one

Raise sin to sensation peel feel from ground
No explanation just loose liquid sound
Undress in nude nation do the two-back get down

Riding now into never with every sly lie
I'm cool cat copacetic in absolute time
Jig forever together in metaphoric fire


Today’s LittleNip:

Marrakech at dusk
Purple petals on the ground
Red flower falling



A big thank-you this morning to Smith from Cleveland (Steven B. Smith) for his musical, mythical land of poetry and his eye-popping visuals. “Cool Cat Copacetic”, for sure!

Tonight at 6pm, Six Poets Laureate will be together for one evening in a discussion about Social Justice issues at Capital Books on K St. in Sacramento. Then at 7:30pm, James Lee Jobe hosts The Other Voice in Davis, featuring Rhony Bhopla and Tamer Sa’id Mostafa plus open mic. That’s at the Unitarian Universalist Church on Patwin Rd. Scroll down to the blue column (under the green column at the right) for info about this and other upcoming poetry events in our area—and note that more may be added at the last minute.

To see the Sacramento Bee article about Dennis Schmitz, Sacramento's first co-Poet Laureate who passed away last Friday, go to

—Medusa, still rockin' with poetry after all these years...

—Photo by Smith

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