
Friday, August 02, 2019

Sacred Spaces

Cirrus Photo Courtesy of Ann Wehrman
—Poems by Ann Wehrman, Sacramento, CA
—Photos Courtesy of Ann Wehrman and R. Christopher Feldman


last night’s breeze lingers
air still mild enough to breathe
trees bunch, their globes of branches
and multicolored leaves
like enameled bouquets of roses
colors wild, surreal, yet of this world

above them, firmament arches, stretches
expands like a vast exhalation
overhead, wisps of cirrus lengthen
toward me, like an open palm
fingers spread wide, growing slowly
in clear blue sky, cool morning air

 Forest Photo Courtesy of Ann Wehrman

Does No One Ask?

inner spaces of which
I am ever more aware
coming to understand and love
my aging body

personal spaces that no one should enter
without first asking or being asked
unless first, minds have opened, touched
sacred spaces

I recall suntanned faces
a procession of boyfriends
suits with boutonnières that matched my corsages, class rings
cheaters who slept with other girls when I looked away

high school boys, in cars after dances
never asked, just insinuated their desire
by unrelenting pressure, that thickness of mind, body, voice
that doesn’t take “No” for an answer

 Rose Photo Courtesy of Ann Wehrman


her kilt might have been Royal Stewart Tartan
red, blue, deep green, brown
silk blouse, moss green
embroidered all over with golden blossoms
hair tied with silk, as well
thin stripes of mint green on chocolate
Kelly-green high-top sneakers graced her feet

at first, my eyes rebelled
schooled in 1950s Midwestern dictates
forbidding multiple patterns
requiring matching shades and proper shoes

then I warmed to her choices, seeing subtle movement
from one shade of green to another, dirt brown to deep chocolate
interesting contrast between geometric plaid and lyrical fairyland flowers
expressive active shoes supporting fragile silk top

in a world filled with more variety than a forest’s leaves, blooms, and moss
create bridges and connections
find transitions, not insurmountable division
one world family of beautiful, wild, colorful diversity

 Abstract Blue Black by R. Christopher Feldman


scrolling through the online store
thinking to use my gift card before it expires
nothing appeals, I simply do not care about
delicate lace camisoles
leggings with roses up their sides
long black gown

all can be taken or left, irrelevant
I shut down the site
might go shop in person, maybe not
mulling over my feelings, so hard to concentrate
on work, on pleasure, even hard to sleep

your news chills me
more than the article I read today, stating that scientists
give us–that means all of us, the US, too
no more than 10 years to get serious
about environmental concerns
or it will be too late to prevent mass global crisis
the end of civilization as we know it

your news feels grimmer to me than all the world’s crises
feeling your lassitude, wall of tears held back
share it without trying, parallel spirits
I’ve been to the mall; it no longer holds meaning

 Heart Photo Courtesy of Ann Wehrman

Today’s LittleNip:

—Ann Wehrman

Ice scent on the wind,
my nose hairs stiffen and freeze—
still, inside I’m warm.


—Medusa, thanking Ann Wehrman for her fine poems today and the photos she found to go with them, and R. Christopher Feldman for his beautiful photo, too!


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