
Sunday, May 12, 2019

A Poet Was Here

Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Poet, Author, Translator, Playwright
Bookseller, Publisher
Past Poet Laureate of San Francisco
Who Turned 100 Years of Age, 3/24/2019
Happy Birthday, Lawrence!

—Joseph Nolan, Stockton, CA
If you match
Those brilliant,
Sparkling blue eyes
To the words
On the page,
So many!
So many words,
Lines, stanzas,
Poems and
Books of poems,
So many!
And so many of them
So very, very good,
You will know
A poet has been here,
A poet among you,
Listening to your breathing,
Opening to your feeling,
Passing through you,
In and about you,
Taking with him
Your pearls of truth,
Oh yes!
A poet and a thief,
Who stole
A piece of your soul
And put it on paper,
As poets are wont to do.


Today’s LittleNip:

Constantly risking absurdity and death whenever he performs above the heads of his audience, the poet, like an acrobat, climbs on rhyme to a high wire of his own making.

—Lawrence Ferlinghetti

Read more quotes from Ferlinghetti at


Thank you, Joseph Nolan, for your homage to San Francisco's Lawrence Ferlinghetti, who turned 100 on March 24 of this year! For more about Ferlinghetti, go to

—Medusa, celebrating poetry and poets and bookstore owners and publishers for making the poetry world go 'round!

 And Happy Mother’s Day!
—Anonymous Photo 

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