
Sunday, April 07, 2019

Light-Bulb Moments

—Poems by Dah, Berkeley, CA
—Photos by Carol Louise Moon, Placerville, CA

from her "Wall" series


This busyness in life
this false confidence

We feed off of
things to do

Cruising time
we live
and again until

our thinking is removed

We … a fleeting experience
a dogged determination

O forging
as if we are close


Ample strength of ice

the mountains are
too old for this

/ fallen granite
like stony corpses /

all bones
nothing else


Regarding life:
we exist as hollow
inside and out

Know this
as eternal
know this as
the only condition

hear this as truth
In The Beginning
is never-ending


Afflicted with existence
confusion's hardship
when and where
are we going
after the shaker
of mysteries
rattles our bones
until no eyes can see
no eyes can find
no eyes


To know this is to remember
a journey of grounding,
wings broken off / oxygen-
laced veins
/ eyes snapped by swift
light glare /
the fragileness of breath
powdered skin of genesis
/ shivering / ripening
whittled into life


Today’s LittleNip:


In leaps and bounds / we
procreate with
beast-like motion:

seeds sailing out of one
into the other / as if
this is the final port


Our gratitude to Dah of Berkeley and Carol Louise Moon of the Sierra foothills for their wonderful Sunday offerings to us around the Kitchen table this morning!

If you’re of a mind to travel to Turlock to hear the Ladies of the Knight read their poetry, today’s the day: 2pm at the Carnegie Arts Center, 250 N. Broadway, presented by MoSt. Check it out! Scroll down to the blue column (under the green column at the right) for info about this and other upcoming poetry events in our area—and note that more may be added at the last minute.

—Medusa (Celebrate Poetry!)

 —Anonymous Photo

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