
Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Dream in a Suitcase

—Poems by James D. Casey IV, Illinois
—Anonymous Owl Photos


He was born
With horns
And a tail
In the front
With a mind
Of its own
That always seemed
To sniff out trouble
Like a goddamn
Veiny bloodhound

The term
"Bad to the Bone"
Doesn't even begin
To express their woes

Never left the house
Without a 50-
Dollar bill
Folded into the brim
Of a half-cocked
Complete with a feather
And a satin nickel .38
Cocked & loaded
Tucked in their belt

Lovers of women
And places
That reeked of
Bad decisions
In all forms
They were
Carefree souls
Both filled with
Animal aggression
As well as
Some sick form of
Human compassion
Acted upon them
With unmatched
Violence & fury

In some cases
Two heads
Are better than one
But in this case
It always spelled
And they liked it
That way


Predatory birds
With names
That moved them down
The highway

Elvis Lecter
Baby Monroe

Old owls
In young souls
They traveled for free

Flying from place to
With only a dream
In a suitcase
And a trunk
Full of murder


I want to show you
How fascinating living is
When all you can think of
Is dying

How the sound of love
Is similar to the sound
Of silence
In the best way
When killers
Let go

Cradling your heart
In warm embrace
All knowing
Forgiving all

I can devour your mind
Never becoming full
You are the fuel
My soul desires

I love you
Baby Monroe
You are my world

With all my heart and soul,
Elvis Lecter


The fistful of mushrooms
Had just kicked in
But they were craving
Chili Dogs
After that John Cougar
Mellencamp song
Came on the radio

They whipped the '32
Coupe into the gravel lot
Of a roadside food stall
Porky's Hot Dogs
Then bumbled to the window
The crackling of the stones
Under their feet
Sounded like walking on the
Skulls of their enemies

A kid that looked like
Russ Pus from the
Garbage Pail Kids
Popped his head out
Demanding their order
Like a barking dog

They immediately lost
Their appetite
As well as their minds


The ringin’ in yer ears
After the force and fall
Strippin’ gears
In between

A Big Skull
Head shifter knob
On the end of
Her cock

Beef jerky
Pepper packs
Flyin' all around
Some things last forever

This is a wild world

Emptyin’ the ashtray
Look at all the trash
We're all in this

Startin’ something new
Leavin’ as fast as we can

Blastin’ in my rocket
High above the world
Out into the stars
Drivin’ off the end
Of the Milky Way


Today’s LittleNip:

In my view a good poem is one in which the form of the verse and the joining of its parts seems light as a shallow river flowing over its sandy bed.


(trans. Lucien Stryk)

 Me, Myself and I
James D. Casey IV

Our thanks and welcome to James D. Casey IV, a southern poet with roots in Louisiana & Mississippi. He currently resides in Illinois with his Muse, their retarded dog, and two black cats. Mr. Casey has authored four books of poetry:
Metaphorically Esoteric, Dark Days Inside the Light While Drunk on Wine, Tin Foil Hats & Hadacol Coins. His work has also been published in print and online by several lit mags and small press venues, including Triadæ Magazine, Pink Litter, In Between Hangovers, Indiana Voice Journal, Beatnik Cowboy, Dissident Voice, Scarlet Leaf Review, Horror Sleaze Trash, Zombie Logic Review, Tuck Magazine, Outlaw Poetry, and many others. Links to his books, poetry and other projects can be found here: and

James’ latest book is
Owls in Hot Rods with Pink Elephants and Dead Bats, published in early August by Cajun Mutt Press. The book is about an insane rockabilly serial killer that just so happens to be an owl named Elvis Lecter. It will the the first in a series of books of poetry with the same characters; Owls in Hot Rods with Pink Elephants and Dead Bats is basically an introduction of them with a little bit of their backstory. See more at

Congratulations, James, on the new book—and don’t be a stranger!

Poets reading this from SoCal take note: The Southern California Haiku Study Group is currently reading for its 2018 haiku anthology. Residents of Southern California (south of Bakersfield to the Mexican border; Tijuana residents are also welcome to submit) may submit 5-15 haiku and 1-3 haibun for consideration. Submissions must be in the body of an e-mail addressed to with a subject line of "2018 SCHSG Anthology Submission". Previously published haiku/haibun are welcome with publication credits. Deadline is Aug. 18. See

As for NorCal, Haiku Poets of Northern California will hold a reading on August 26 at Fort Mason, San Francisco, 1-5 pm. Allan Burns, Johnnie Johnson Hafernik, Bill Kenney, and Sharon Pretti are the featured readers at this annual event. A chapbook of their haiku will be available for purchase. Info:

Today in Placerville, 5pm, Poetry Off-the-Shelves meets at the El Dorado County Library on Fair Lane. Scroll down to the blue column (under the green column at the right) for info about these and other upcoming poetry events in our area—and note that more may be added at the last minute.


 The cover of James’ new book from Cajun Mutt Press,
Owls in Hot Rods with Pink Elephants and Dead Bats
Celebrate new poetry!

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