
Friday, February 16, 2018

Gung Hay Fat Choy!

Dawn to Dusk
—Poetry and Visuals by Smith, Cleveland, OH


The acute angles
aren't as attractive as they once were

Wife and I rise before dawn
to head start wend

Pain persists
but as they say, that's life

We sit in dark and cold with cat
trying to remap wen

At least the coffee works,
first sip hot soothes old cold

We know now and new and soon
bring busted bits of when

Was is part of is,
now partitions next

We step in steps stepped before
on track unseen

Time inlaws to tomb,
and always wins

Moebius we go up and down
‘round around again

 Questioning Hand


Like Candide's best of all possible worlds
I lick my like from lit of wit
and why the worry ways of ruling rats

Like Wallace Steven's Emperor of Ice Cream
I take in tacky death
of horny heels and hopeful hellos

Like Candy on ice cream
her nipples pearled pert
we hump in happy horizontal

Like the constant lice of American dream
scum encrusted, yellowed
I yearn for debugging powder, ponder

Like good on bad and bad on worse
I burn for light and love
in lieu of this miss called is

 Dead End


Pushing through the night
Eastward to the moon
Not yet risen,
False dusk of reason dons
Its mantis mating respectability
Sans honor, self or soul. 

Money talks of dawn, damns 
The discarded husk of culture
And enlightens genes for green,
Without the warranty.

 Remove to Measure


You can befuddle a dog
by throwing a stick

You can confuse a cat
by dangling a string

And you can distract people
by mentioning money

 Many Adrenaline


Small signs of logic pool to larger sockets,
Sprocket rules of flow

Autumn snap cracks cross  
Yes no boundary, now then grime
And the even Steven myth

Add in :
     Coffee rotation
     Bee pollen white crystal
     Hotel Babylon
     One million years TV
     Suburban life halfsounds
     Fungus eyes
     Hotdogs with blood and pus
     Artists of perpetual perception
     Fat bottom womyn in glass bottom boats
     Nature and man gone wrong
And this war of little mist
And reefer sticks
The two-soul sham
Of wham bam action ma'am
(long way virgin slim to glass ceiling fan)

This bad-boy business nuzzles 
Nose near own navel lint
Bug belly blood in amber
Waves of shame
Dinosaur dregs dynamo hum
Blood rough ready rumble
Reflecting clone,
Trade in tiny tins

Liberty's filthy whore Profit
Loss enough for now

 Brand New Nono


Same earth, same sun,
same day night dance renamed
with new number lugging
old need for rent
old aches
new wrapped in old game
so Happy Same Thing With New Name
carrying mold debts
old wepts
and dead pets

We are what we are,
what we carry on

 Growth Curve


Meet me in the meat lane
I'll be lambing up the chops

trying to chase the safe
and not the not

laminating lamentations
crying up the crop

slipping slide relations
in cut of guardian knot

never wanted to fuck my mother
didn't want daddy dead

actually loved my younger brother
before he blew off his head

they're all gone and yet remain
in my side of am

none of this of course germane
to jiggle jelly jam

 Sleep Slides


You don't miss your dirt till the ground runs wet
Don't scuff your shoes till the hounds are let
Don't pay for those until these are gone
Don't use condoms in hope of more spawn

They say east is west and orange new black
Yet forget the fact that tack lacks slack
But talk enough in their double tongue
Reveals true depth by showing none

Stop is go and go gone got
It's been a lie all along
They change the words after every scene
And claim it didn't mean a thing

The shallow end's too deep for them
These minimal unmemorable men
With yes or no slides so for pay
Who yea what they’ve been told to say

Next time sure they'll get it right
And swear for rare that they'll play fair
Yet it's Three-Card Monte every night
Hide this under that right here over there

Stop is go and go got gone
It's been a lie all along
They change the words after every scene
And claim it didn't mean a thing

Been fooled for once, been fooled for twice
Be thinking this stinking fooling ain't nice

(For music by Peter Ball and word&voices by Smith, go to

 The Other Side

Today’s LittleNip:


They say
save those who weep
and I reply yes

and no...

do save those who weep for others,
but let the selfweeps go.


Many thanks to Smith (Steven B. Smith) for his fine poems and visuals today! Don't forget that James Lee Jobe will host The Other Voice in Davis tonight, 7:30pm, featuring The Poets Quartet. Scroll down to the blue column (under the green column at the right) for info about this and other upcoming poetry events in our area—and note that more may be added at the last minute.

Today is the beginning of Chinese New Year 2018, the Year of the Dog (which I share with Donald Trump). For some wonderful photos (scroll down to the pandas!), go to

—Medusa, wishing you Gung Hay Fat Choy!

 Hang On!
—Visual by Smith
(Celebrate Poetry!)

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