
Sunday, November 19, 2017

The Tide Undone

Remedios Varo
—Anonymous Illustration Courtesy of D.R. Wagner

—D.R. Wagner, Locke, CA

I am the light that bends
All sound away from the darkness.

The pink tongue unable to form
Words.  Shadows in the eyes.

Shadow that lives in dreams
Before the hands ever touch them.

Signs found in the forest
Long before the chants are heard.

A beacon?  No, only the wind.

Stumbling as prayers stumble
Unable to see their own power.

Clarity comes with persistence,
Never connected to memory.

Not only have they given
Us the sea, they have placed
The water in our blood.

It is reported the breath
Knows endless rhythms.

We are placed here to be understanding
But only as a kept music.

Our bodies dance.
We can hear the clicking
Our bones make as we do.

We desire peace and are told
The ringing is only a distant bell.


—Medusa, with thanks to D.R. Wagner for popping into the Kitchen today!

Don't forget that Poetry in Placerville presents Wendy Williams, Laura Rosenthal plus open mic today at Love Birds Coffee and Tea Co., 1390 Broadway, Placerville, 1-3pm. Scroll down to the blue column (under the green column at the right) for info about this and other upcoming poetry events in our area—and note that more may be added at the last minute.

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to Medusa.