
Sunday, November 06, 2016

November Leaves

Fall Leaf
—Photo by Katy Brown, Davis, CA

—Robert Frost

We saw leaves go to glory,
Then almost migratory
Go part way down the lane,
And then to end the story
Get beaten down and pasted
In one wild day of rain.

We heard "'Tis Over" roaring.
A year of leaves was wasted.
Oh, we made a boast of storing,
Of saving and keeping,
But only by ignoring
The waste of moments sleeping,
The waste of pleasure weeping,
By denying and ignoring
The waste of nations warring.


—Medusa (thanks, Katy, for your beautiful leaf photo!)

 Celebrate poetry—and kindness!
For more about the Make American Kind Again movement, 
And this afternoon, Mosaic of Voices presents 
Xochitl-Julisa Bermejo and Yaccaira Salvatierra
Avid Reader at Tower, 1600 Broadway, Sac., 2pm. 

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to Medusa.