
Thursday, February 07, 2013

Seductive Woman, Seductive Cat

—Photo by Katy Brown, Davis

—Claire J. Baker, Pinole

What if the sky's
prehistoric dome
the sun exploding
rivers of lava over
the four directions...

What if a few survivors
find on a pristine island
the sky reborn, the sun
healed, the air like silk,
flora and fauna abundant—
love and kindness,
the only languages spoken.


—Claire J. Baker

A sultry woman
curls around her cat
her passion purring
to purring cat.

Clenching his throb
to her breast
she digs fingers
deep into fur
enters a jungle
tiger eyes burning.

Curled on purple couch
seductive woman
seductive cat.


—Claire J. Baker

Now, years later, I wonder
what happened to the tall
Polynesian beauty who wore
hibiscus in long black hair,
a halter &; a flowered lava-lava?
Tropical Mona Lisa by the sea
leaning against a palm tree
as if against an altar.

On the next page, handsome
Lawrence of Arabia resembles her,
except a lava flow had begun
to harden in his eyes.
A caftan clings to shoulders
firm as pounded sand.

He looks thirsty, wary,
half sunstruck.

Moonrise Over Buttes
—Photo by Katy Brown

—Marie J. Ross, Stockton

Under a full moon,

we looked at stars

Held hands

In ambiance of mood

As we kissed 

Ocean was humming 

Romantic song 

Singing to the sparkle 

We watched 

Our eyes roaming the onyx

This was momentous 

A challenge to our emotions,
To evade the question

You and I forever

Or ocean's song forever blinking?


—Marie J. Ross

There were enough reasons in the world

to run

escape the blasts


bodies in the street,


Freedom the reason

There were enough reasons in the world

To dry a child’s eyes

of pain’s frequency,

Hold weary hands,

administer miracle elixir’s


And healing the reason, 

There were enough reasons in the world

To plant on fertile soils long stems of grain

Dig ditches  

for water’s life expanding longevity,

Find places of calm for spiritual retreat


Survival the reason.

There are enough reasons in the world:

Enough scientific minds,

Enough courage and love of country,

Enough soul and spirit to fill the universe.


—Nancy Haskett, Modesto

Early this morning
there was a murder in our house

witnessed by no one—
but the evidence was scattered throughout several rooms
filled, now, with feathers
like tiny gray petals
strewn across tile and carpet,
so soft and weightless
that my slippered footsteps
or small gasps of horror
send them airborne
once more,
floating for a few seconds
across the silent kitchen

no sound but the refrigerator,
humming and purring




—Photo by Michelle Kunert, Sacramento

—Caschwa, Sacramento

The fear trade has
never been bigger
even after explorers proved
you don't just sail over
the edge

they have taken fear
and packaged it in
pills, insurance policies,
personal protection devices,

some luscious-looking fruits
are poison that will kill you
temptation is the tool of the devil
so one must not eat, breathe, or
form opinions

death can sneak up on you
like a poetic epiphany
welcome and totally at home
in your sanctuary
of fear

the penalties are severe
for lying under oath
and they have ways
to catch you lying
before you speak

when you take off your shoes
at night to go to bed
a spirit resides there
retracing your itinerary
looking for missteps

if it doesn't find any
it will manufacture some
because above all
there must be a product
to market



When someone earnestly
tells you that it is not hard
to find a 4-letter word for

they have slipped the answer
behind a negative
to elude, to tease
on purpose

you didn't expect it to be
nicely giftwrapped
with a name tag
did you?

tired of waiting and waiting
in line at the grocery store
customers ahead with issues,
register out of tape

eggs bagged first
cans on top
just get on with it
can't wait any longer

delays, postponements
eyes fixed on positive outcomes
can't wait any longer
we have ignition



spent the night
tossing and turning
ideas in my head
like a blender

I felt needed like
a galleon needs rowers
people to whip
land to reach

issues abounded
each with phony salesmen
pushing snakeoil elixirs
the better mousetrap

on television
actors read scripted opinions
about other people's opinions
all alleged to be fact

makeup! makeup!
your bias is showing
old unfaithful farts
preaching family values

shown again and again
because the viewing
audience sees the ads
driven by ratings

witnesses sit
at the witness stand
forced to recite an oath
don't trust any of 'em

not time to get up yet
and start a new day
of same ol', same ol'
freeway traffic

chariot races
out to kill
winner take all
no rules of the road

home sweet home
bed, pillows, quiet
peaceful slumber
blender on high


Today's LittleNip:


A blank slate has been
a very good thing ever since
the time of Aristotle
so I made it so

now what is all that fuss
about a complex theorem
that was cluttering
up the board?



—Photo by Katy Brown