
Sunday, January 08, 2012

Wear Me Like Rain

—Photo by Katy Brown, Davis

—D.R. Wagner, Elk Grove

The entire world below my toes
Rises up and off I go
High above the lands of snow
When all beneath me cold winds blow
And I finally relax, enjoy the show.

The greatest gift is to die
And our form mutates, comes apart and flies
Our selves back together in a new sky

Where what we were and now are
So far away from changes and we cry
To see ourselves so totally new and sigh
Once again at our strangeness and why
Such a thing could happen yet again.

You will wear me like rain
For I will be the rain.
You will dress yourself in pure light
For I shall be pure light.
You will call me by a name
And I again will answer,
Come to your side and see
The sun just begin to rain
Storm, you running on ahead of me.


Friends, it appears Kathy Kieth's Hotmail account has been hacked. I'm so sorry, of course—but DO NOT click on the link they will give you, and for now, write to me at Ah, the world of cyberspace has its robbers, too...
