
Sunday, November 01, 2009

Spilling Into Life

Photo by Ann Privateer

—Ann Privateer, Davis

A cat named Spike delivered
a gift to me today; he slept
on my mat at yoga, left
only once when my heavy leg rested
across his back. My opened
hand close by balanced
for the triangle and he placed
a paw over it then rested
his head across my outstretched

fingers, as lovely as a baby's
unthinking, reminding me of you
spilling into life many years ago.


Thanks to Ann Privateer for the poem and photo! Today is Cat Lover Carol Frith's birthday—Watch for a new rattlechap from Carol this December (The Thread of Dreams), and her full-length book of poetry coming from David Robert Books (two for a journey) this spring.

Did you set your clocks back an hour?
