
Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Still Without An Answer

—Mediha Saliba, Burnt Ranch, CA

Her body followed the moon
for a lifetime. Waxing
and waning and
bloating with fullness.

And the breathing in
and the breathing out alone,
passed her through time, until
she stood in the deep darkness
of the new moon.

A silent calling pulled
her to a place where
listening is loud, sanity
is on edges, and change
comes in tides of emotions.

But the She that rises
on a silver sliver
blinks in the night sky
with sharpened vision.

And the breathing in and listening
and the breathing out and laughing
dances her to the full moon
and the energy of elders.


Thanks, Mediha! A new voice heard from in Nor-Cal! And a new locale.

Medusa Returns!

After a holiday/moving house hiatus, we're back. The rest of Snake 12 will go out this week, and we're gearing up for the release of Pearl Stein Selinsky's new chapbook, Vic & Me, which will be premiered at a reading on Weds., Jan. 10 at The Book Collector, 1008 24th St., Sacramento. Medusa is always hungry; send your poems in for posting to, or to our new p.o. box 762, Pollock Pines, CA 95726. We're still not very organized in our new digs, but the poetry community is waking up, and so it's time for us to, also.

This week, the poetry beast begins to stir again:

•••Don Anderson of Stockton writes: We are looking for material to fill the pages of our latest publishing project, Sun Shadow Mountain, a 6”x 9” perfect-bound paperback of approx. 169 pages which will be made available for sale online at We are now accepting as many submissions as possible; all submissions are reviewed and selected upon relevance to the theme. The closing date for submissions is Thursday, January 4th, 2007; those received earliest are most likely to get a higher priority for available space, except where aesthetics dictate. Submissions requirements are very specific, so for further info, contact Donald Anderson at P.O. Box 121, Farmington, CA 95230 (, (209) 943-2449; or Nikki Quismondo (, (209) 474-7099.

•••Sal Amico M. Buttaci of Lodi, New Jersey, writes: Winter is here and I am looking for some good poems to post at The Poem Factory Why not send me up to five of your poems? Keep them under 24 lines long. And include a very brief bio of yourself. Send it all to me at

Thurs., 1/4, 8 PM: Poetry Unplugged at Luna's Cafe, 1414 16th St., Sac. presents Sacramento Poet Laureate Julia Connor. Open mic before/after. Info: 916-441-3931 or Free.

Sat., 1/6, 11 AM: All are invited to the monthly Escritores del Nuevo Sol / Writers of the New Sun writing workshop/potluck at La Raza Galeria Posada, 1024 22nd Street, Sacramento. Info: call Graciela at 916-456-5323.

•••Sat., 1/6, 7 PM: First Saturday Poetry Series at Sojourner Truth Art Center, 2251 Florin Rd., Sac. Hosted by Noah Hayes and Felicia McGee. All ages. $5. Come early for workshop. Info:

•••Sunday, 1/7, 6 PM: All are welcome when the PoemSpirits of the Unitarian Universalist Society of Sacramento assemble on Sunday, January 7th at 6:00 PM. The invited feature reader is Geoffrey Stockdale, a full-time professor of Speech at American River College, and a much-published Sacramento poet. Co-host JoAnn Anglin will offer a brief presentation on the work of poet-activist Denise Levertov. Attendees are also invited to bring a poem to read—your own, or one that you particularly like. Free and open to the public; open mic, light refreshments. A fine way to start the new year. We meet in the library/foyer of the UUSS, 2425 Sierra Blvd., Sacramento, between Howe & Fulton Avenues, 2 blocks north of Fair Oaks Blvd. Contact: Tom Goff or Nora Staklis at 916-481-3312, or JoAnn Anglin at 451-1372. This is a first Sunday of the month event, which emphasizes the spiritual benefits of reading and listening to poetry. A featured guest speaker is always invited, and a short presentation given upon the work of a distinguished poet, past or present, along with open mic. Future readers: February 4 – Jan Haag; March 4 – Kathy Kieth.

•••Monday, 1/8: Attend the Sacramento Poetry Center Board of Directors meeting at 5:45 PM, then stay for Best of 2006: An Open Mic Opportunity at 7 PM at HQ, 1719 25th St., Sac. Bring your best two pieces from last year and read them out loud (note the special starting time). Hosted by Indigo Moor.


—Mediha Saliba, Burnt Ranch

Because small voices
wet as winter branches
cut. Because sometimes, I dance
up the walnut tree
to touch the moon,
I ache more
from the green-walnut bitter
shouted into my wounds
by those who did not suckle
from my dreams. I cannot change
their abandonment
by a mother
lost in misty worlds
of euphoria,
nor can I change
the child
who reaches for stars,
helps me embrace the moon,
and rubs balm into my cuts.


—Mediha Saliba, Burnt Ranch

While floating on my back
in the Trinity River,
the water a tolerable cold,
I watch alder leaves
drop — one here, one there.
Not because it is Fall,
but just because it is
their time.

Like soldiers in Iraq.
Like children in Beirut.
Like mothers in Jerusalem.
No amount of weeping
changes things. Heads
are too stubbornly locked
in old perceptions.

If only life was as clear
as an unspoiled river
and that alder leaves
knew why they dropped.

I plant my feet on smooth, round stone,
stop myself from following alder leaves.
I swim against the current,
going nowhere,
but enjoy, enjoy the cool water,
the blue sky, the birds singing
in the trees, until
I know one day I will float
downstream, still
without an answer.



Medusa encourages poets of all ilk and ages to send their poetry, photos and art, and announcements of Northern California poetry events to for posting on this daily Snake blog. Rights remain with the poets. Previously-published poems are okay for Medusa’s Kitchen, as long as you own the rights. (Please cite publication.)