
Monday, November 20, 2006

For the Connoisseuse

—Margaret Ellis Hill, Wilton

Before the fringe of earth's edge tinges
with light, I rouse before my mind;
the body loathes to leave warm bed.
For a few more minutes of quiet,
I listen to life begin to wake up.

Kitchen blinds open to morning's brilliance.
A thin veil of tulle weaves through cool pastures;
moisture on grass glitters
like night forgot to take her stars.

A cup of coffee tastes richer on fall days;
a refreshing fragrance of pine snags
my dusty mind from sleepy haze.

After the family's weekday rituals
and another cup of coffee later, I smile
to see background colors have been brushed
on today's canvas. How I complete the picture
depends on me.


—Margaret Ellis Hill, Wilton

have been left at the edge of a vast field.
The stalks lean against each other for support.

Around them, plowed ground awaits
autumn rains for spring planting.

I wonder why this patch was left alone.
No crows strut through dry leaves looking for food.

Maybe I missed a notice posted on a fence.
The farmer has gone home.


Thanks, Peggy! Margaret Ellis Hill heeded my plea for poems and mercifully sent me some. Watch for more of her work in the upcoming Snake 12 (an even dozen!) which will be coming out Dec. 13. (Peggy is not to be confused with Mario Ellis Hill, by the way—what are the odds that two local folks would have such similar names?!?!?)

NorCal poetry this week:

•••Tonight, Monday (11/20), Sacramento Poetry Center will be dark; no reading.

•••Instead, tonight, 8 PM: The Moody Blues Poetry Series presents Royal at "A Taste of Laguna", 9080 Laguna Main in Laguna. $5, open mic. Hosted by Ms. LaRue, music by DJ Barney B.

•••Weds. (11/22), 10 PM-midnight: Mics and Moods at Capitol Garage, 1500 K St., Sac. Features and open mic, hosted by Khiry Malik. 21 years of age and older; $5 cover. Info: 916-492-9336 or

•••Weds. (11/22): The Hidden Passage poetry series in Placerville, which normally meets on the 4th Wednesday, will shift to November 29 because of Thanksgiving.

•••Thurs. (11/23, Thanksgiving): Poetry Unplugged at Luna's Cafe will have no reading.

•••Saturday (11/25), 7-9 PM: "The Show" Poetry Series features Divine, Talaam Acey, and LSB at Wo'se Community Center, 2863 35th St. (Off Broadway), Sac. $5. Info: T.Mo at 916-455-POET.


—Sharon Olds

When I was a connoisseuse of slugs
I would part the ivy leaves, and look for the
naked jelly of those gold bodies,
translucent strangers glistening along the
stones, slowly, their gelatinous bodies
at my mercy. Made mostly of water, they would shrivel
to nothing if they were sprinkled with salt,
but I was not interested in that. What I liked
was to draw aside the ivy, breathe the
odor of the wall, and stand there in silence
until the slug forgot I was there
and sent its antennae up out of its
head, the glimmering umber horns
rising like telescopes, until finally the
sensitive knobs would pop out the ends,
delicate and intimate. Years later,
when I first saw a naked man,
I gasped with pleasure to see that quiet
mystery reenacted, the slow
elegant being coming out of hiding and
gleaming in the dark air, eager and so
trusting you could weep.


Yesterday was Sharon Olds' 64th birthday.


Medusa encourages poets of all ilk and ages to send their poetry, photos and art, and announcements of Northern California poetry events to for posting on this daily Snake blog. Rights remain with the poets. Previously-published poems are okay for Medusa’s Kitchen, as long as you own the rights. (Please cite publication.)