
Saturday, May 06, 2006

Last of the Moonshine

—Margaret Ellis Hill, Wilton

Watch her blink
to reveal the sienna eye shadow—
an actress giving me
a slow-motion lesson in seduction.

She slices the sky on a set path,
returns to a stark stare that merely
brightens the night. I wrap
my sweater tighter and head home.


Arcata, California; December 1999
—Ann Wehrman, Sacramento

Midnight blue sky swells rich and dark;
stars glow.
My hands, wiser than my fears,
open the door.

I step out tonight in my robe,
drawn by the last full moon of the century.
From my porch,
I taste the sea, just a few miles away.
The rare balm of the air caresses my skin.
I gaze up into a star-filled night
even more beautiful than Van Gogh's.

The moon, full at perigee,
shines in silver clarity,
anointing my exhausted nerves.

I breathe deeply,
surrounded by the twinkle of planets and stars,
and thank God for the beauty of this moment,
this universe,
this night sky with a full moon.


Thanks, Peggy and Ann!

•••Today (Saturday 5/6) there will be a Think Postcard workshop at the Center for Contemporary Art on 1519 19th St., Sac., 3 pm. Info: or 916-566-3986.

•••Tomorrow (Sunday 5/7): Families, couples, individuals—all are welcome this coming Sunday at 6 pm to create artistic postcards at the last PoemSpirits gathering until October. The current Sacramento Poet Laureate Julia Connor is the feature, followed by this fun creative activity—one of two dozen workshops being held in April, May and June as part of the mail-art project, Think Postcards. (More info on this project can be found at, website of the Sacramento Arts Commission.) PoemSpirits will provide postcards, stamps and other materials and tools; you are invited to bring personal mementos, lists, scraps, found items, etc., as you wish, to add to your creation. They will meet in the Lounge/Foyer of the Unitarian Universalist Society of Sacramento, 2425 Sierra Blvd., Sac. (2 blocks north of Fair Oaks Blvd, between Howe and Fulton Avenues). No fee. Snacks available. All welcome. Info: Tom Goff or Nora Staklis, 916-481-3312; or JoAnn Anglin, 916-451-1372.

•••And tomorrow is the last day of the SPCA Book Sale to honor its 40th Anniversary: more than 10,000 new and used books at Marketplace at Birdcage, next to Longs Drugs in Citrus Heights. 10 am-8 pm today, 11-6 Sunday.

One last moon poem:

—Amy Whitcomb, Sacramento

The full moon
calls out,
arrested in suspension,
obeys its masters,
the tides—
the pull is distant
and persistent.

Tonight, I tuck in
to the forces
of the universe,
taking comfort in
tidal lock.

Always the same side
facing us;
On the night sun
rests one cloud
and two pairs of eyes.



Medusa encourages poets of all ilk and ages to send their poetry and announcements of Northern California poetry events to for posting on this daily Snake blog. Rights remain with the poets. Previously-published poems are okay for Medusa’s Kitchen, as long as you own the rights. (Please cite publication.)