
Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Wine, Taxes, Poetry: Three Inevitables

June J. Engstrom of Eureka is a poet who's just joined the snake universe; welcome, June! Here's a wee sample, something to put a little whimsey into our day:

—June J. Engstrom, Eureka

Crime Scene Investigation,
Extreme Makeovers,
Just Shoot Me,
Celebrity Perks.

I scrounge through my brain
For my native intelligence
Lost in Translation.


Thanks, June!

Assistant Wrangler Robbie Grossklaus was over here last night, rescuing my fonts from oblivion. He is such a help, even as he juggles FIVE jobs! Two of which have to do with wine, one with taxes, and two with poetry (Sac. Poetry Center has just hired him as Office Manager). Wine, taxes, poetry—the man is invaluable! Robbie will be reading in Stockton September 11; more about that later.

Hidden Passage Poetry reading, this Wednesday, Aug. 24 from 6 to 7 p.m. at Hidden Passage Books, 352 Main St. in Placerville. It's an open-mike read-around, so bring your own poems or those of a favorite poet to share, or just come to listen.

Thursday, August 25, Joe Donohoe and Bucky Sinister, Harmon Leon, and special guest Rob Lozano are coming to Sacramento and bringing some friends along too. Another Poetry Unplugged exclusive! Hosted by frank andrick, Luna's (1414 16th St., Sac), 8pm.

Brad Buchanan, who teaches Literature and Creative Writing at Sac State, will be performing work from his recently-published book, The Miracle Shirker, at the Art Foundry (1021 R. Street in Sacramento) on Friday August 26 at 8:00 pm. The book is on sale at a much-reduced price of $10, and the suggested donation of $5
at the door gets you halfway there. There will also be time for questions and answers afterwards, including an open mike, if desired. [See previous Medusa posts for some samples of Brad's work.]

Another full week of poetry, if you're of a mind.

Now, for a change of mood, Kate Wells is one of the many talented Placerville poets who you might hear if you go up to Hidden Passage Books tonight. Here are two of hers:

—Kate Wells, Placerville

We wrapped her in a frayed towel
and set her in a shoebox.
Arranging paws and tail to fit.
We said a few words—what we'd remember.
I talked about her seal-like fur in every shade of brown.
The kids stared,
we cried,
setting the box in the ground.

—Kate Wells, Placerville

It doesn't help to know
that the woman kneading my feet with fine oil
escaped from Armenia,
left behind the branches
and solid trunk of her family,
her dreams in a native tongue.
It doesn't help
that we're the same age
and she cradles my feet as she works
the calluses.


Thanks, Kate! Kate teaches kayaking, by the way. Look for her littlesnake broadside (#11: National Anthems) at the Book Collector, or send me an SASE (4708 Tree Shadow Pl., Fair Oaks) and I'll mail you one.


Medusa encourages poets of all ilk and ages to send their poetry and announcements of Northern California poetry events to for posting on this daily Snake blog. Rights remain with the poets.