
Wednesday, August 03, 2005

What the Fortune Cookies Said

—Bradley Buchanan, Sacramento

Tonight the fortune cookies were right,
down to the newborn baby, who
got the last unopened one,
saying she sparked enthusiasm
in everyone who looked at her,
which was true enough to seem solemn.

The sirens passing us by are no
concern of ours, or anyone’s
within reach of our compassion or reason.

We’re closing in on a lifelong cocoon
of safety, thanks to this little one-
track mind we’ve brought to reality.

The dinner was paid for; politeness forgotten,
we didn’t know who to thank, so we
sent a late blessing by frequencies
too high and subliminal for a cell phone.

No need to call them up to say
thanks or I love you—we’re family
all of a sudden, now that our offspring
throws us back on each other’s unguarded
affections and intimate admiration.

A beautiful girl shows the whole world the way
it could be perfect, or, at the very least,
close-knit with delight casually prophesied.


Thanks, Brad! Bradley Buchanan teaches full-time at CSUS; his specialties are British and World Literature, with some Creative Writing courses "here and there". Brad was born in Canada, came to study English in the US in 1995 and has lived in Northern California for the past ten years. He has published poems in more than 100 journals worldwide. He also has a new book out from Poets Corner Press, entitled The Miracle Shirker, which is available at The Book Collector. Brad will be reading at Sacramento Poetry Center on August 15, and he also serves on the editorial staff of Tule Review, though much of his time is taken up with that new baby—the first for him and his wife!

Don't forget the emu-fest; check yesterday's posting for the highly seductive list of prizes. And try to stay cool. Stay inside the house and write!


Medusa encourages poets of all ilk and ages to send their poetry and announcements of Northern California poetry events to for posting on this daily Snake blog. Rights remain with the poets.