
Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Vanity, Thy Name is Medusa

Medusa loves to think about herself, of course, and loves poems about herself even more. Joy Harold Helsing sends this from Magalia:

—Joy Harold Helsing

A stranger is coming.
I must prepare.

Maybe this one
will find me fair.

But I have no mirror.
Wouldn't dare.

And I can't do a thing
with my hair!


Thanks, Joy! Joy has a recent book out from PWJ Publishing, a collection of poems entitled Confessions of the Hare and other old tales, Joy's sometimes wacky and mostly irreverent take on history and myth. Here is a sample:

—Joy Harold Helsing

So he's got a castle
and knows how to dance—
it's all a con.

He still fumbles at you
with dirty paws,
dribbles and drools
on your favorite dress,
whispers sweet words in your ear
with breath that could knock you cold.

Prince be damned, he's a beast,
a lustful, lying beast,
sly enough to steal your love
and tear your heart to shreds.


To order a copy, e-mail
