
Friday, June 17, 2005

High-Heeled Sneaker Week

Rattlechap #9 by Karen Baker of Modesto, Vocal Exercises in Stone, has been chosen by Small Press Review as one of its "May-June Picks"! Small Press Review is published bi-monthly by Dustbooks, which also publishes The International Directory of Little Magazines & Small Presses. ( The Directory is another place you should be looking for places to send your poems.

Way to go, Karen! Here's the title poem from her collection:


androgynous stone head
pedestaled in winter garden
above the level, pruned brush
neatly weeded
your eyes are free to follow me
from room to windowed room
your lips, granite cold
ready to open, to speak
to sing the mudras of unformed hands
the arabesques of missing feet


Tomorrow night (Saturday) Rebecca Morrison and Bill Carr will read at The Book Collector, 8pm. Monday night there will be a Phil Goldvarg Memorial Reading Celebration and fundraiser at SPC/HQ for the Arts, 1719 25th St., Sac., 7:30.

Tuesday will be Melody Bishop Sievers and Gilberto Rodriguez reading at the Third Tuesday Series (HQ again). And Thursday will be our own Asst. Wrangler

Robbie Grossklaus

reading at Luna's, 8 pm. (More about that later.)

Put on your high-heeled sneakers; it's a busy week!
