
Sunday, June 19, 2005

He'd Instruct You in the Stars...

(Judy) Taylor Graham has done Kitchen duties today, sending not only a nifty Father's Day poem, but also a notice about the Hidden Passage reading this Weds. in Placerville. Those folks up there are lively poets, with at least two workshops that I know of, plus their monthly read-around series.

TG says:

In case you don’t have a Father’s Day poem for Medusa, here’s one.

—Taylor Graham, Somerset, CA

Your father’s landscapes:
desert smoke-tree under a cerulean sky;
distant mountains hazed
with ultramarine; a savannah
seamed with moving water.

Remember those weekend expeditions:
your dad mixing pigments
at the easel set up beside his ‘38
station wagon.

When it finally got too dark to paint,
he’d instruct you in the stars.

You keep three cobalt globes of glass
on the mantle, as if to hold
his colors, now he’s gone.

When morning sun opens
the east window, everything
blazes blue.


Also, could Medusa please give a plug for Hidden Passage? Here it is:

Hidden Passage Poetry Reading, Wednesday, June 22 from 6 to 7 p.m. at Hidden Passage Books, 352 Main St. in Placerville. It's an open-mike read-around, so bring your own poems or those of a favorite poet to share, or just come to listen.

Happy almost summer,



Thanks, TG! Always nice to have help in the Kitchen...
