
Sunday, May 29, 2005

Bookmark this!

The Snake says Welcome! to the new snakeblog from Rattlesnake Press. Watch this spot for daily postings of poetry, No. Cal. poetry happenings and other juiciness from the Snakepit and beyond. Friends, enemies and just-plain-rubberneckers are invited to partake and reply—and poetry will be posted and changed without warning every 2-5 days—so if you want to see your poem cooking along in Medusa's Kitchen, you'll have to keep checking. Here's an hors d'oeuvre from Shinkichi Takahashi, which is also printed on a Rattlesnake Press bookmark:


I stretch my hand—
everything disappears.

I saw in the snake-head
my dead mother's face,

in ragged clouds
grief of my dead father.

Snap my fingers—
time's no more.

My hand's the universe.
It can do anything.


So send stuff to—or shortcut by clicking on the envelope below.


Medusa (who has all those snakes springing from her head...)