Thursday, March 13, 2025


 —Poetry by Nolcha Fox, Buffalo, WY
—Public Domain Photos Courtesy of Nolcha Fox

Spring is sleepy
after winter, yawning,
stretching flowered arms.
Daffodils and tulips
are the first to show
their colors.
Green is just a
promise on our
handsome maple tree.
I’m already longing
for the blazing reds
of autumn when
the maple leaves
catch fire.


The frozen river
cracks a smile
when sunshine peeks
through snow clouds.
The river knows
the sun’s a flirt
and she won’t
stay til springtime.


Storm clouds crouch at the horizon, unsure
whether to approach with furious lightning strikes

Or retreat behind mountains
to calmly plan a surprise attack.

Distracted by sunlight and bird flight,
they wait for the weather report to decide.


C’mon, Harry, what’s eating you?
You think you’re the runt of the bunch?
Do sticks and stones break your bones?
Just chew on it, Harry.
You can’t eat an elephant in one bite.
Little nibbles from one end to the other.
That’s all it takes, Harry, small and mighty.
Just duck and roll, you can squeeze
through or under any situation.
You’re the man, man. You’ve got it.
Don’t chase your tail, Harry.
Just grab the prize and run
before they catch you.


My image is a thin façade
of paper mache magic,
all smoke and mirrors to disguise
that nothing lives beneath it.


The mirror is my calendar to let me know I’m older.
It doesn’t see me shed my thinning skin, gray hair,
    and wrinkles
to let escape the child I am inside.


Time slaps me with the gift of age.
Arthritis really slows me down.
Time knows I cannot catch him.

Time ruins my birthday celebration.
I look more like my mother.
Time slaps me with the gift of age.

Times clouds my vision,
makes me squint.
Time knows I cannot catch him.

Time smirks as hourglass turns to round.
I bulge in parts that once were slim.
Time slaps me with the gift of age.

Bone spurs grow in feet and spine.
My running shoes no longer fit.
Time knows I cannot catch him.

Time knows I’d rather be alive
than lie down six feet under.
Time slaps me with the gift of age.
Time knows I cannot catch him.


My cotton dishcloths, worn,
discolored, limp, and faded,
wrap the kitchen faucet
until no threads are left.
I am not impoverished.
They are easy to replace.
Each time I wash the dishes,
I see my mother’s hands.


Your presence is no
longer present.

Although I sometimes think I hear
you whisper in the shadows of my mind.

Photographs and shadows
fade as time takes scissors to my days.

If my memories pale to nothing
long before I leave this earth,

will I know you when I see you
on the other side of death?

I’m told my thoughts are wandering.
I say they are wondering
to some lonely isle, or is that aisle?
I say it’s a journey
for the soul, or is that sole?
I hope the skies are clear and blue,
or is that a dream I blew
when I decided not to waste
my dimes on travel since
my money goes directly to my waist.


My washer and dryer in the dump,
I had to wash my clothes
in some deserted laundromat
that turned my white clothes blue.
The dryer ate my bluesy clothes
and tried to eat me, too.
No wonder there was no one there,
they all were just desserts.


Today’s LittleNip:

—Nolcha Fox

We think we have all we desire
in cars and clothes and jewelry.
Once we have them, we want more.
We don’t see how we use them
to manipulate, to hide from death.
We go to sleep with those we love
and wake up next to Greed.


—Medusa, with many thanks to Nolcha Fox for today’s fine poetry—and thanks for finding the photos, too!
 Still Snowy in Buffalo~

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Just remember:
the snakes of Medusa are always hungry—
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Tulips are coming—honest!