Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Where the Woods Begin

—Poetry and Original Artwork by
Freya Pickard, North Devon, UK


Grass tussocks flow with bramble
Field vetch spreads her purple blooms
Entwines stubs of might be hawthorn
(Won’t be if Devon Rubies graze).
Soft moss swathes steep incline
Deep velvet, emerald green
This, the in-between place
Field ends, wood begins
Wode Hills


Slender saplings sway
Upward reaching arms bend
Before Summer’s strong breath
Leaves flicker, writhe—
Around slim roots the grasses grow
Blackbird and thrush cling
To fragile branches too young to bear
Flighty squirrel’s weight,
Sing in gloaming where
Night meets day
And light succumbs to dark
Wode Autumn Holway


Grassy sward ascends to ridge
Cherry, apple, hazel, thorn
Thickened trunks bespeckled
White and yellow lichens cling
Sun casts lengthening shadows north
As his arc reduces
Hunched and huddled young trees lean
Away from prevailing wind
Solitary grasshopper chirps
Rustles in fallen leaves
Autumn now descends
 A Winter Tree


Long past the Solstice
Winter’s grip tightens
Tangles dead undergrowth
Makes traps of briar and thorn
To snag those unwary
Striving to escape proliferation
Of sleeping tree and dying vegetation
Push past the snarls, occlusions and sharp
Discover the cusp of Winter
Becoming Spring
 Tor Hill


Here the trunks grow green
With beards of moss
Long, trailing streamers
Agate, jade and emerald
This verdant forest
Even in Spring’s barrenness
Is always alive
Ever dying, ever living
Without death, no life
Living onwards and upwards
Seeking sunlight and rain
 Two Trees


The heartwood, a whole wood
Forest as it was meant to be
A healing time, a wholesome breath
True nature revealed
Calmness from outer storms
Sanity restored
Forever changed, forever changing
Embracing both chaos and order


Today’s LittleNip:

The heart of another is a dark forest, always, no matter how close it has been to one’s own.

—Willa Cather


Newcomer and Pushcart Prize nominee (2022) Freya Pickard is the author or four poetry collections, plus
Vampirical Verse and The Kaerling series. Vampirical Verse is her expression of life after cancer and chemotherapy, using vampires and other dark monsters to speak her dark thoughts. The Kaerling is an epic fantasy set in the strange, uncompromising world of Nirunen. 

Freya’s aim in life is to enchant, entertain and engage with readers through her writing. She finds her inspiration in the ocean, the moors, beautifully written books and vinyl music (particularly heavy metal and rock). She enjoys Hatha Yoga, Bhangra and Yogalates and in her spare time creates water colours and pastel drawings of the worlds in her head. See more bout Freya at Welcome to the Kitchen, Freya, and don’t be a stranger!


 Freya Pickard

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