Thursday, October 17, 2024

Dancing Between The Shadows

 The Author
—Poetry and Visuals by Smith, Cleveland, OH
O yes

Mind monsters
cranium creatures
environmental viruses
survival of the fittest
sing hallelujah
ever onward in sorry sojourn

I dance between the shadows
suck what sun I can
watch women walk the harder path

Wife says she's "the Zen in resentful"
while I keep pushing OFF buttons
in this ever-ON world

O let us pray
may the bad be better
and the good remain

We write what we know
and right now it's a heap of sweat
in hot bath heat trying to hide the pain
outside's humid, dampening noise
making far farer
and yet faint hope lurks heavy
behind the hot

Slow slide neck into liquid hug of heat
soothe lizard brain
where flies are for eating
poop is fair play
and pain always pays
in our rapid run to rot

We needed lizard brain
to crawl from ocean
to beach
to tree
survive savannah
beat competing meat
eat sheet bleat repeat
but that was then
this is now
now we don't
we can't
it's fuck-all stupid

If it eats it feeds it fecunds
follows god of flesh
bleeds vermillion by the millions
enough bone dust for all
free underground resting rotting Johnny

Can't go back
can't control forward
so be here now

Set a chair
light a lamp
roll out a rug
offer friend or passer-by a word
a cup of coffee
a toke
let em in on the joke
while we await the punch line  
 Fast Lane

And we're off
pain taking the lead by a length
me hurting behind

I'm an angry man
in an old body breaking down
with a good heart
and a skeptical mind

I hurt myself
not on purpose
just hurt myself
cuz that's the clump of clod I am
hurt myself
then hunker down to endure healing

I am Sisyphus I am rock I am hill

Me not smart monkey
but me not dumb
and me not only one

what a way
to play

The gaps between the ghosts getting smaller
ghosts of course getting oftener
Zen Garden

I love my life
I love my wife
don't like world strife so much

down to weary
worried thought climb
from good of me
through bad of them
(and me we)

I sweat my poisons out
hope sum left in balance

thing about pain
they're daily
like dark seed of sun

thing about seed
is plantings unknown
in brain of bloom and blame
and groan
which we must own

thing about thing
is no thing

Zen in


Go write your words in sand or stone
you still age and break
likely die alone

No matter who or what pulls the strings
God or plot naught before or after
you have to pay the rent

You're born and washed in bowl
you die and are washed in bowl
it's the dirt between that matters

You wanna play you gotta pay
you wanna pray you gotta pay
go or stay?—pay

Me, I'm making memories
to keep me moist
in the near hereafter
Digging through the night
looking for the layers
needed for the light

Worm warm wonder
moist earth magic
penetration however slight

Greed got us here
and greed'll get us killed
so sez want and will

Once the race was won
the finish line went wrong
preyed upon the dumb

And now we eat the eaten
beat our meat replete
seek new deals to sweeten

Don't know much
but been around long
learned some of the song

Keep the worry
work the weary
sharpen wary way up high
Food Chain

There are life forms
beneath us
around us
on us in us
above us
beyond us
we can't see
or even fathom
life miles below sea surface
in what darkness deep as a grifter's heart
or life covered in miles of ice
colder than a preacher's art
life is what life does to life
in self-serving circle
eat to be am
die to be eaten to be am

I am what I am when I'm eaten
me myself the lie
 The River Runs

I take what sun I get
I give what cheer I got
life goes on
I got coffee
I got me
I got wife in kissing tree
the road not taken
I been taken

There's lies below
more lies above
helping push of shaping glove
you got your gods
you got your not nods
you still have to pay the rent

Sitting in a parking lot
watching a man sitting in a car
driver door open
scratching betting cards
looking for money
finding little or none
doing it again
and again
going in coming out
more cards
grim face
doing it over an hour now
in for cards
out with cards
sad silence

I wish him well
must be serious to keep the prayer going

My god's not meat
my god is the all of nothing
the knot of now

Never pray to meat
it rots

Where's this edge?
You get to it and there's another
there's always another
another up or down
in or out
and they all want rent

If not rent, respect
which is psychic rent

Here in workaway world
stress runs the mess
gets the killing done
fills the pantry
cooks the kitchen
preys on land run wrong

Stop and smell the roses
before they rot
and fall to the ground

They're beautiful either way

Today’s LittleNip:

Like the cicada
I sing my song
leave a husk


—Medusa, with Pre-Halloween greetings to Smith-by-the-zoo (Stephen B. Smith), and thanks for his fine, fine poetry and visuals this morning from this Kitchen witch over here on the Other Coast…

A reminder that
Tim Hunt and Michael Gallowglas
will be reading in Davis tonight, 7pm.
For info about this and other
 future poetry happenings in
Northern California and otherwheres,
click on
in the links at the top of this page—
and keep an eye on this link and on
the daily Kitchen for happenings
that might pop up
—or get changed!—
 during the week.

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