—Public Domain Photo
—Amy Lowell (1874-1925)
The day is fresh-washed and fair, and there is a smell of tulips and narcissus in the air.
—Amy Lowell (1874-1925)
The day is fresh-washed and fair, and there is a smell of tulips and narcissus in the air.
The sunshine pours in at the bath-room window and bores through the water in the bath-tub in lathes and planes of greenish-white. It cleaves the water into flaws like a jewel, and cracks it to bright light.
Little spots of sunshine lie on the surface of the water and dance, dance, and their reflections wobble deliciously over the ceiling; a stir of my finger sets them whirring, reeling. I move a foot and the planes of light in the water jar. I lie back and laugh, and let the green-white water, the sun-flawed beryl water, flow over me. The day is almost too bright to bear, the green water covers me from the too bright day. I will lie here awhile and play with the water and the sun spots. The sky is blue and high. A crow flaps by the window, and there is a whiff of tulips and narcissus in the air.
Today, Sun. (7/18), 3-4:30pm, Lincoln Poets Open Mic will feature a reading by poet friends of Sue Clark, plus open mic. Join Zoom Meeting at us02web.zoom.us/j/85962483608 OR us02web.zoom.us/j/85962483608/. Meeting ID: 859 6248 3608; Passcode: 142237.
For more about Amy Lowell, go to www.poetryfoundation.org/poets/amy-lowell/.
Today, Sun. (7/18), 3-4:30pm, Lincoln Poets Open Mic will feature a reading by poet friends of Sue Clark, plus open mic. Join Zoom Meeting at us02web.zoom.us/j/85962483608 OR us02web.zoom.us/j/85962483608/. Meeting ID: 859 6248 3608; Passcode: 142237.
For more about Amy Lowell, go to www.poetryfoundation.org/poets/amy-lowell/.