Sunday, October 21, 2018

Like a Wandering Ghost


—Joseph Nolan, Stockton, CA
Always a servant
On the back doorstep
Begging for crumbs
Like a hungry squirrel.
This game—
It’s called
“Not good enough”.

It goes from room to room
Like a wandering ghost
That cannot find its home
In this world

It carries unlit candles
In the dark,
Sees only shadows,
Can never repent
Its imperfection,
Its insufficiency.
It starves slowly
In the cold.
It’s not good enough
To come in.

It sits at family gatherings
All alone.
People seldom engage it
In discussions or arguments
Or anything meaningful.
It harbors vague resentments
Against the prevailing wind,
Wishing for the lee
Of a towering cliff
On a lonely beach
To let its being leave
Across the sea,
Out of reach.


Our thanks to Joseph Nolan for today’s evocative poem! Don’t forget the two readings in our area today: Poetry in Placerville, featuring Los Escritores del Nuevo Sol, plus open mic, at Love Birds Coffee and Tea Co. on Main Street in Placerville, 1-3pm; and Davis Arts Center Poetry Series with Dorine Jennette and Phillip Larrea, 2-4pm. Scroll down to the blue column (under the green column at the right) for info about these and other upcoming poetry events in our area—and note that more may be added at the last minute.


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