
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Egg-Shell Thin

EGG-SHELL THIN Earth Day, April 22, 2011 
—Michael Cluff, Corona

The nuclear nightmare
is ongoing,
1979 Three Mile Island
to Chernobyl in 1986
Sendai, Japan 2011,
episodes that exacerbate
what we should have learned
long, long ago.....

The earth is a more delicate shell
than we are willing to admit
break it too often
it will someday
parallel the last day of
Humpty Dumpty.

Treat the thin surface
of this planet kindly—
too delicate to abuse
for sapien-centric gain,
this frangible Fabergé egg
a treasure of dainty beauty
a graceful, variegated wonder
so easy to injure
so easy to destroy.


Today's LittleNip: 

"Look at my flower"
said the grinning toddler
holding up what she picked
Sad to see her mother say
"Oh get rid of that weed"
Why did she have to know?
and why shatter her world
her wonder, her joy
by telling her any different,
that what she found in the road
wasn't as good as a rose

—Michelle Kunert, Sacramento


—Medusa, with thanks to today's contributors (today's photos were taken in Cameron Park by Sam the Snake Man)

For more about Earth Day, go to